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Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Ian Hosein
Ayurveda Application & Notes
Ayurveda is a science for life, based on ancient teachings from India. Documented with emphasis on wellness. The 5,000-year-old system meaning life and knowledge, it was meant to enlighten sages to help humanity. Through subtle messages and energies. Med…
By registered users: 8
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Demi Powell
Ayurvedic herb to treat Insomnia
Did you sleep well last night? Are you stressed? Are you undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer? Are you having problems getting your wife pregnant? Scientists have identified a local plant that does not just induce sleep but burst stress and other men…
By registered users: 14
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Rex Hale
What is the Philosophy of Ayurvedic Medicine?
In Ayurveda, perfect health is defined as “a balance between body, mind, spirit, and social wellbeing.” In fact, the twin concepts of balance and connectedness echo throughout Ayurvedic texts, thought, and practice. Like all holistic health systems, Ayur…
By registered users: 9
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Demi Powell
The Impressive Health Benefits Of Brahmi Leaves
Ayurveda has used Brahmi for centuries. Brahmi has been used to develop and improve memory and is commonly known as the “memory enhancer” herb. It reduces stress and anxiety and treats mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease and digestive issues like di…
By registered users: 2
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Demi Powell
What is Ayurveda?
Ay-ur-WHO? Ayurveda is the science of living in harmony with the natural world, handed down through the oral tradition in East India, Tibet, Sri Lanka and eventually written down in ancient Sanskrit. Later, it was: codified, tested, commented upon… and e…
By registered users: 15
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Do You Suffer from Insomnia? This Ancient Ayurvedic Herb Will Help You Sleep, Say Researchers
Do you have trouble sleeping or poor sleep quality? If yes, then try Ashwagandha, an Indian herb which is used for centuries in ayurveda as it improves sleep. Researchers, led by one of Indian-origin have found that this ancient ayurvedic herb may promot…
By registered users: 9
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Samuel Carlson
Thai Research Team Discovers This Plant Can Stop Cancer from Growing
A research team of Naraesuan University has successfully extracted chemicals from the latex of Rak plant (Calotropis Gigantea) which are capable of inhibiting the function of a protein which is essential for the growth of cancerous cells, said Dr Supawade…
By registered users: 19
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Heart of Hinduism: Arts and Sciences
India’s arts and sciences are extensive and many may have predated their Western counterparts. These disciplines usually contained significant spiritual elements, and were not simply attempts to unethically exploit nature or improve the material standard …
By registered users: 4
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Oil therapy: the best oil for your body
Our ancient medicine and sciences hold the most spellbinding rejuvenation therapies. The magical healing properties of herbs and oils in Ayurveda, in fact, always told what research worth millions now only confirms – the oh-so-heavenly massage actually bo…
By registered users: 4
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Anger and Fear: How Our Nervous Systems Make Us Sick
Chinese Medicine attributes a minimum one third of disease as due to the effects of excessive amounts of emotions like anger and fear, but also sadness, grief, worry, on our bodies via the nervous system. This also includes the effects of chronic, habitua…
By registered users: 5
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Understanding the Doshas
Radiant health, according to Ayurveda, is simply a state in which you experience a zest for life and feel integrated and whole. Your appetite, digestion, and elimination are good, you breathe deeply and easily, your skin is radiant, you sleep well, and yo…
By registered users: 2
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Ayurveda meets modern medicine, with a little help from genomics
Modern medicine is moving towards a more personalised approach. Genome sequencing is an effort in that direction. Genetic expression variations in an entire set of genes are compared between humans to identify links of diseases to particular genes. Based …
By registered users: 8
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
5 Secret Ayurvedic Remedies For Sore Throat
A sore throat is quite a common occurrence, and all of us have been affected by it at some point in time in our lives. A sore throat can be quite painful, making it difficult to talk, swallow, or eat. The main reasons behind a sore throat could be infecti…
By registered users: 12
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
The Ancient Ayurvedic Writings
The Great Three Classics of Ayurveda Charaka Samhita The Charaka Samhita is believed to have arisen around 400-200 BCE. It is felt to be one of the oldest and the most important ancient authoritative writings on Ayurveda. It is not known who this person…
By registered users: 30
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Post natal care – the Ayurvedic way
Post natal Ayurvedic care can be done in three stages. This cure will have long terms benefits. We know that the care given to the pregnant woman is for both the mother and child. But the care given after delivery is a life-long one for the mother. Plus …
By registered users: 8
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Enlarge Your Breasts Naturally with These Ancient Ayurvedic Exercises
Ayurveda, India’s holistic health and wellness system, has its own say when it comes to natural breast enhancement. It offers exercises for breast enlargement, which you can do in the comfort of your own home and with utmost safety. Are you ready to be mo…
By registered users: 418
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
5 Ayurvedic Herbs That Have Been Shown To Destroy Cancer Cells
In a time where cancer is an extremely popular disease, finding effective and safe cures to treat cancer should be a high priority. The general population doesn’t hear much about alternative cures like dichloroacetate for example which has been shown to b…
By registered users: 27
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Cures from east and west: The Mahatma on medicine
I belong to a family of doctors trained in modern or Western medicine. Back in the 1980s, the doctors I was related to, or friends with, were all sceptical of alternative forms of health care. They had no time for homeopathy, ayurveda or acupuncture, no t…
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
Natural Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Related Terms: Chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, CFIDS, CFS, Myalgic encephalomyelitis Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex illness affecting the brain and multiple body systems. It is defined by incapac…
By registered users: 18
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Anita Kelley
This Ancient Herb Has Been Used to Combat Insomnia for Thousands of Years
Some 50 to 70 million Americans have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, and new research has linked numerous health concerns to poor sleep. Brain lymphatics drain three pounds of toxins each year during sleep. The worse you sleep, the less efficiently …
By registered users: 13
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Demi Powell
Why you need to do this Kidney Cleanse
The importance of keeping to a kidney cleansing diet cannot be emphasised hard enough. Healthy kidneys are vital to a number of body functions. Your kidneys help detoxify your blood by removing toxic compounds and passing them out through the urine. If bl…
By registered users: 15
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Demi Powell
Boost your productivity with these Herbs
Herbal stimulants could be defined as herbs that boost the energy of the body by accelerating and enlivening the physiological functions. They are herbs that work to strengthen and nourish deep energy that is long lasting and life supporting. These roots…
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Demi Powell
Ayurvedic Diet: Here is how to eat for your body type
Ayurveda is the ancient medical system of India. It offers one of the fastest paths to health. Instead of having to guess which foods, supplements, and behaviors are appropriate for you, there is a simple, direct prescriptive path that is developed for yo…
By registered users: 61