<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Veltheim Lymphatic Drainage | Core Spirit

Veltheim Lymphatic Drainage

healing session
$140 USD
$140 USD

An effective way to kick start the lymphatic system and help clear out toxins from the body . If there are too many toxins and blocks in the body-mind, changes may not take place that easily. This technique helps clear these out. Lack of self esteem and trauma/toxins/past wounding of the inner child all affect our lymphatic system, which does not have its own pump and needs to be pumped manually. Sometimes when there is a big backlog of toxins, we experience lymphatic stress and issues and this shows up in our bodies through skin issues, digestive issues, aches and pains, tightness, immune system issues and frequent colds and coughs, weight issues, anxiety and depression and a general feeling of being weighed down and heaviness.

By draining out the emotional and physical toxins, we can allow fresh, clearer energy and lymph back into the system and this makes way for a healthier, happier, more energised version of ourselves. This is a powerful technique and the addition of inner child healing to the session and ease of access of it being facilitated distantly through the power of intention and focus, makes it super convenient and accessible and a great way to really renew oneself.

The session includes a whatsapp phone call before and after to allow the practitioner to know the needs of the client and the client to fully understand how to support their lymph system and give feedback to the practitioner. Notes may be given if necessary for additiona guidance.

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London, UK

I work with various cutting edge powerful modalities that assist in shifting stubborn and deep seated patterns. BodyTalk , Quantum Healing, Inner Child Healing and Lymphatic Drainage all assist a person to let go of old patterns and step forward into their healthiest, most balanced and happy versions of themselves where they know who they are and what they want to achieve and are able to do this.

On Core Spirit since June 2020

Bahar Nagi
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PaRama BodyTalk: What is it?
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Why is Lymph Drainage often done before a BodyTalk/healing session or necessary after it?
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Bahar Nagi3y ago

Hi yes it can assist with weight loss alongside a healthy lifestyle, you may need to do several lymph drainages alongside exercise and eating healthy.

Lisa Baker3y ago

Hi! I’d like to try your practice! I’m just wondering if it could help to lose weight?

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Veltheim Lymphatic Drainage

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