Bahar Nagi

I work with various cutting edge powerful modalities that assist in shifting stubborn and deep seated patterns. BodyTalk , Quantum Healing, Inner Child Healing and Lymphatic Drainage all assist a person to let go of old patterns and step forward into thei…
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Expert in the fields:Sekhem/Distance Healing/BodyTalk/Inner Child Healing/Massage
On Core Spirit since June 2020
London, UK
Bahar Nagi
What is so important about the heart?
The heart is the first organ to function. It begins to form at 18-21 days and at 35 days the fatal heart is fully functioning. It has awareness, wisdom and self identity at this point. The heart has a pericardium on the outside layer which lubricates and …
Bahar Nagi
PaRama BodyTalk: What is it?
PaRama BodyTalk: What is it? PaRama BodyTalk is the advanced version of the popular BodyTalk System that is being utilised by thousands of practitioners throughout the world. WHAT DOES IT ADDRESS? The more advanced formulas of PaRama BodyTalk are tailo…
Bahar Nagi
PaRama BodyTalk: What is it?
PaRama BodyTalk: What is it? PaRama BodyTalk is the advanced version of the popular BodyTalk System that is being utilised by thousands of practitioners throughout the world. WHAT DOES IT ADDRESS? The more advanced formulas of PaRama BodyTalk are tailo…
Bahar Nagi
Why is Lymph Drainage often done before a BodyTalk/healing session or necessary after it?
John Veltheim (BodyTalk System Founder) taught us that from his years of offering TCM/Acupuncture and other therapy sessions, he discovered that people who had a lot of congestion, both emotional and physical, often needed 1 or several lymph drainage ses…
Bahar Nagi
Having a distant healing session vs an in person session
People often ask how they can receive a session as a recorded message, or online through Zoom. Very early on as practitioners, we discover the effect of intention and focused energy. Just as a prayer or focused thought creates vibrations which give birth…
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Bahar Nagi2y ago

New session Quantum and inner child Healing already available! Book it now

Bahar Nagi2y ago

New session Veltheim Lymphatic Drainage already available! Book it now

Bahar Nagi2y ago

New session BodyTalk already available! Book it now

Bahar Nagi
Mar 15, 2025, 10:00
Bahar Nagi
Mar 15, 2025, 10:00
Veltheim Lymphatic Drainage
Distance Healing
Bahar Nagi
Mar 15, 2025, 10:00
Quantum and inner child Healing
Bahar Nagi4y ago

New article What is so important about the heart? already available! Read it now

Bahar Nagi4y ago

New article PaRama BodyTalk: What is it? already available! Read it now

Bahar Nagi4y ago

New article PaRama BodyTalk: What is it? already available! Read it now

Bahar Nagi4y ago

New article Why is Lymph Drainage often done before a BodyTalk/healing session or necessary after it? already available! Read it now

Bahar Nagi4y ago

New article Having a distant healing session vs an in person session already available! Read it now