Thinking Of Having A Birth Chart Reading?

Thinking Of Having A Birth Chart Reading?


My approach to astrology, which is combined with psychology This combination is great for self-development, personal growth, and the fulfillment of potential. Although this is the foundation I work from with chart readings, I also recognize the importance of practical information that is useful to you.
Although my aim is to help you understand your Birth Chart, so that you can realize your purpose and fulfill your potential, it is equally important, if not more so, to focus on where you are now!
What troubles and concerns you Now! A reading sheds more light on the circumstances, giving you more insight into what is going on for you. Understanding this will help in making any decisions or changes to your life.

If you would like a reading, I will contact you for your birth details; date, place, and time of birth.

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70 Kensington Rd, Southport PR9 0RY, UK

Lucinda Tinsley has been studying astrology for over 30 years and has a diploma in astrological psychology. She uses the birth chart to help you understand your life, its meaning and purpose. She can also give a greater perceptive on your current situation and personal-development. Lucinda is very much an evolutionary astrologer and looks into your karmic issues that are still affecting your life today.

On Core Spirit since January 2021

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Linda Tinsley4y ago

I have a diploma from Astrological Psychology Association, which combines these two subjects wonderfully together. This is ideal for personal development and uncovering the energy patterns from which you operate. Self-Awareness is the key to change and healing.

Taysha Duckworth4y ago

Hi! What type of astrology do you practice?

Natal Astrology
Linda Tinsley
Nov 2, 2024, 12:00
Thinking Of Having A Birth Chart Reading?
Natal Astrology
Linda Tinsley
Nov 2, 2024, 12:00
A Nodal Reading

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