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Linda Tinsley

Lucinda Tinsley has been studying astrology for over 30 years and has a diploma in astrological psychology. She uses the birth chart to help you understand your life, its meaning and purpose. She can also give a greater perceptive on your current situatio…
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Expert in the fields:Western Astrology/Personality Psychology/Natal Astrology
17 years of practice
On Core Spirit since January 2021
70 Kensington Rd, Southport PR9 0RY, UK
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Linda Tinsley3y ago

New article Self-Awareness: The Key In Discovering Your Own Power and Purpose already available! Read it now

Linda Tinsley3y ago

New article Astrology Wakes You Up! already available! Read it now

Linda Tinsley3y ago

New session A Nodal Reading already available! Book it now

Natal Astrology
Linda Tinsley
Jul 30, 2024, 10:00
A Nodal Reading
Natal Astrology
Linda Tinsley
Jul 30, 2024, 10:00
Thinking Of Having A Birth Chart Reading?
Linda Tinsley3y ago

New session Thinking Of Having A Birth Chart Reading? already available! Book it now

Linda Tinsley3y ago

New article The Value Of Astrology And Knowing Your Birth Chart already available! Read it now

Linda Tinsley4y ago

New article An Eventful Year Ahead for Aquarians already available! Read it now