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Spiritual Coaching

coaching session
$99 USD
$99 USD

This service is a single online meeting during which we address a goal or issue in your life. This coaching is intended to address the biggest issues / questions, ones you might call existential.

I help people make breakthroughs in the most important areas of their lives. How? By challenging their assumptions and opening new perspectives through philosophical and spiritual enquiry.

My approach draws from and refers to a number of wisdom traditions, including Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, Tanta, Vipassana, Heart Path and Dzogchen. We can adapt our session to emphasise or even restrict ourselves to a particular tradition, if you like.

If you opt for multiple sessions, over time we will explore the role of story (your interpretation or cognition of your direct experience) in your life. You will work with the sensations of your body toward improved self-awareness and acceptance. In this investigation, you will become increasingly aware of your interdependence with all of life and existence. Ultimately, you may see that you are not a person with a body and a mind but rather the Awareness in which all bodily and mental experiences arise, are known and subside.

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London, UK

I coach and teach on topics of personal growth, professional growth and spiritual enquiry.

My aim is to help people live with greater freedom, courage, creativity, and responsibility.

My practice recognises the importance of both clarity (top-down, head-based) and embodiment (down-up, body-based) in evolving self-awareness and acceptance, ultimately pointing to our true, non-dual nature.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Spiritual Coaching
Doug Fraley
Know You Go With the Flow
Taoism sees Life as one big process in which ‘things’ or ‘happenings’ are related and progress in a single flow. That movement follows one principle called Tao. Tao is how reality unfolds. Despite this underlying unity, everything we observe is part of a…
Spiritual Coaching
Doug Fraley
Set Down the Burden - Taoism Shows How
Trade struggle for flow. We carry unnecessary emotional backpacks through life. The more we see them in their proper context, the more frequently we can set them aside. They may always accompany us, but we needn’t bear their weight. Reality’s quality che…
Spiritual Coaching
Doug Fraley
Surrender to Life as the Raindrop Surrenders to Water
An analogy for anxious times As a person, I walk this Earth for some eighty years. Born of my parents, I thrive, suffer and die. As one of billions, I think, speak and act, a tiny yet distinct fragment in a societal mosaic.In my travels, I behold magnific…
Spiritual Coaching
Doug Fraley
Here's Why the Obstacle is the Way
Reality can lead us from self-deception to a richer life. Ryan Holiday shows us how to apply Stoicism to modern life in The Obstacle is the Way. Late in the book, he summarises his message in a few sentences: See things for what they are. Do what we can.…
Spiritual Coaching
Doug Fraley
Anxiety as a Glimpse of Freedom
Bumps in the road from the illusion of control to letting go. I recently had what felt like a setback, slipping into anxious worry about an aspect of my future. The theme of this anxiety emerged nine or ten years ago, and it has occasionally risen quite s…
New Age Spirituality
Doug Fraley
The Many Faces of God
The world’s wisdom traditions point to one truth, but each highlights distinctive features. Taoism Taoism’s rural wholesomeness is a great counter to my intellectual nature. If any tradition forms the bedrock of my understanding, this one, so brilliantl…
Career Coaching
Doug Fraley
Resilience - 90 Seconds at a Time
I’ve worked in demanding settings, including U.S. Army Ranger training and top-flight management consulting. Outside work, I routinely (and voluntarily) undertake gruelling cycling challenges and other outdoor adventures. I share this not to brag (honest)…

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Doug Fraley3y ago

Hi Joan - this work helps relieve stress and anxiety. It also makes you more robust to whatever stress and anxiety continue to arise. The work does that by uncovering inaccurate assumptions that lie behind much anxiety and by changing your relationship with the negative aspects of your life experience. I hope that helps.
All my best,

Joan Wilson3y ago

Hello! Will this practice help me to relieve stress and anxiety? Thank you in advance!

Doug Fraley
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Discussion / Teaching in Non-Duality
Spiritual Coaching
Doug Fraley
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Spiritual Coaching
Career Coaching
Doug Fraley
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Career Crossroads

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