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Find your Way when Lost at SmartWork

healing session
English, Italian
$90 USD
$90 USD

Available also in English and French
For mothers and fathers, who are multitasking in spite of them, who work extra hours with no boundaries between work and personal life.
Smartwork burnout that has also involved high school and university students for many months.
To explore your specific, unique and wonderful way to cope with the current situation of telework stress and facilitate the changes that are best suited to your well-being, balance with family and relationships and respect for your life.
Focusing on feeling good in every moment of your life, living without worrying in every moment, finding the feeling of confidence

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Provided By
Heraklion, Greece

Every person is different with unique path and life purpose.
Former researcher and scientist, my goal is to accompany to transform fear and blockages into consciousness and freedom.

With approaches of ThetaHealing® and NLP, together, we co-create healing and reveal your connection to your higher self and to the Everything.
Ph.D. Bioengineer, ThetaHealer, NLP Master Practitioner

On Core Spirit since January 2021

Practitioner Reviews

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Leave your comments / questions

Dear Phoebe what we do during our sessions is particularly addressed to spot, transform and heal deep fears

Phoebe Savir3y ago

I have nightmares every day, can you help me deal with my fears?

Dear Sherry, to make progress one session is definitely enough.
Please check my previous answer to your same question for more extensive information .

Theta Healing
Anna Ramazzotti
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Transform Loneliness into Joy
Theta Healing
Anna Ramazzotti
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Find your Way when Lost at SmartWork

Dear Sherry, to make progress one session is definitely enough.
I replied more extensively on my previous answer to your same question : )

Sherry Turnbull3y ago

Hello. Could you please tell me, do I need several sessions to make progress, or is one enough?

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