Soul Realignment Akashic Records Reading

Soul Realignment Akashic Records Reading

therapy session

How many of you say you don’t know why something keeps happening to you…over and over again….in your life? And you ask, “Why?” Others wonder about past lives…”What did I do to deserve this?” Some feel drawn to things they don’t understand, or are attracted to people or places or jobs….and don’t know why. Do you feel like you are always the outlier, the visitor, the ‘never-quite-fits-in’ one? A Soul Realignment Reading can help answer some of those questions. I go into your Akashic Records and look at your soul’s journey…but more…I look at your divine gifts, too. It uncovers the blocks and restrictions that can stop the “over and over again” feeling, can explain the “never-quite-fit-in” feeling, can give perspective to the attraction to certain people or places, and it can shed light on how to change choices that are not in line with your divine gifts…. and allows abundance to flow into your life. This reading can also reveal attached souls or Earthbound souls that are weighing you down and drawing on your life force energy. They can be cleared and released as part of the reading.

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Eastport, NY, USA

I am a Certified Acutonics Tuning Fork Therapist, a Soul Realignment(Akashic Records)Certified Practitioner, a Reiki Master, Certified Crystal Healer, Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Sound Vibrational Reiki Healing Practitioner, and Past Life Exploration Practitioner. I have been a School Psychologist for over 20 years. I am also a Certified Angel Card/Tarot Reader.

On Core Spirit since November 2020

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Esoteric & Occult
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Oct 30, 2024, 04:00
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Past Life Regression
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Distance Healing
Theresa Ceruti
Oct 30, 2024, 04:00
Soul Realignment Akashic Records Reading
How many of you say you don’t know why something keeps happening to you…over and over again….in your life? And you ask, “Why?” Others wonder about past lives…”What did I do to deserve this?” Some feel drawn to things they don’t understand, or are attracte…

Practitioner Reviews
(1 review)
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patrick morrison b7mo ago

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