healing session

Reiki is an effective, natural healing method of bringing the body back into harmony and balance. It is effective in healing virtually every known illness and malady in the body.

Reiki heals by flowing energy through blocked parts of the body system and re-charges it with positive energy. It raises the vibration level in the areas where negative energy often settles, breaking it apart and releasing it. It then clears the energetic pathways, allowing positive life force energy to once again flow in a healthy and natural state.

Life force flows through the physical body through chakras, meridians and nadi pathways, also known as your Aura. Through the flow of Reiki, life force energy can revitalizes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them and their vital functions.

Reiki healing occurs directly at the source. If Reiki is directed at a physical ailment, it'll first go back to the root of the emotional issues where it initially occurred, and will heal the emotion. For healing to be permanent, the root cause must first be healed in order for the ailment not to return to the body. Once the emotional root cause is healed, physical healing follows.

Reiki sessions are conducted Remotely.

How to prepare for your Reiki Session?

At your scheduled Reiki appointment time, simply relax and allow the Reiki energy to be sent to you! You'll want to recline or lay down somewhere comfortable and quiet and arrange to not be disturbed during your session. You can light a candle, incense or play soft music to help you relax if you like. I will send you Reiki energy remotely throughout the entire session. You are likely to experience an overall sense of comfort and well-being and you might even fall asleep. Reiki energy works to produce the highest results, and for the highest good. The only requirement for remote treatments is a sincere willingness to receive and benefit from this energy.

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Rosemary is a lightworker, empath, and healer with a varied background in the spiritual arts. Self-love, self-care and self-respect are at the forefront of everything she does. She's embark on this journey to help others find answers and help discover the…

Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Akashic Records Healing Chamber Meditation
In this meditation you’ll be taken to the Halls of the Akashic Records into the Healing Chamber where you will be greeted by the Akashic Masters, your Angels, Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters of the Highest Divine Light of Pure Source Energy. This …
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Healing Chamber Meditation from the Akashic Records
This meditation will take you through the Halls of the Akashic Records into the Healing Chamber where you’ll be greeted by the Akashic Masters, your Angels, Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters of the Highest Divine Light of Pure Source Energy. This wi…
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Inner Child Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
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