Rosemary Hernandez

Rosemary is a lightworker, empath, and healer with a varied background in the spiritual arts. Self-love, self-care and self-respect are at the forefront of everything she does. She's embark on this journey to help others find answers and help discover the…
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Expert in the fields:Ascension/Angel Healing/Chakra Balancing/Guided Meditation/Philosophy
14 years of practice
On Core Spirit since June 2021
Simi Valley, CA, USA
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Akashic Records Healing Chamber Meditation
In this meditation you’ll be taken to the Halls of the Akashic Records into the Healing Chamber where you will be greeted by the Akashic Masters, your Angels, Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters of the Highest Divine Light of Pure Source Energy. This …
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Healing Chamber Meditation from the Akashic Records
This meditation will take you through the Halls of the Akashic Records into the Healing Chamber where you’ll be greeted by the Akashic Masters, your Angels, Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters of the Highest Divine Light of Pure Source Energy. This wi…
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Clear Vows, Oaths & Contracts From Your Akashic Records
When one makes a promise, vow or enters into a contract, you make it in full agreement and compliance with Universal law. The problem is, the Universe recognizes this and holds you to it. This means that if you’ve ever made any sort of contract in this li…
Inner Child Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Healing Your Inner Child Meditation
Your inner child is your original self that entered into this world. It contains your original state of being with the capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, unconditional love and playfulness. Through a wounded inner child, there ma…
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation
In order to return to wholeness, there needs to be a return to true balance by feeling your feelings and emotions in order to unlock the full potential of your whole and complete self. It’s time to embrace the unique nurturing qualities of the heart. Thr…
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Akashic Records Healing Chamber Meditation

In this meditation you’ll be taken to the Halls of the Akashic Records into the Healing Chamber where you will be greeted by the Akashic Masters, your Angels, Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters of the Highest Divine Light of Pure Source Energy. This … continue


Healing Chamber Meditation from the Akashic Records

This meditation will take you through the Halls of the Akashic Records into the Healing Chamber where you’ll be greeted by the Akashic Masters, your Angels, Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters of the Highest Divine Light of Pure Source Energy. This wi… continue


Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation

In order to return to wholeness, there needs to be a return to true balance by feeling your feelings and emotions in order to unlock the full potential of your whole and complete self. It’s time to embrace the unique nurturing qualities of the heart. Thr… continue

Inner Child Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Healing Your Inner Child Meditation
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Clear Vows, Oaths & Contracts From Your Akashic Records
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Akashic Records Healing Chamber Meditation



This is a very powerful and amazing time on this planet, as earth and all it’s people are undergoing one of the most amazing events in the history, a process known as, Ascension. This major feat in itself, can be very disorienting and confusing and can ta… continue

New video Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation already available! Watch it now

New video Healing Chamber Meditation from the Akashic Records already available! Watch it now

Rosemary Hernandez
Mar 17, 2025, 16:00
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Healing Chamber Meditation from the Akashic Records
Rosemary Hernandez
Mar 17, 2025, 16:00

New video Clear Vows, Oaths & Contracts From Your Akashic Records already available! Watch it now

New session Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation already available! Book it now

New video Healing Your Inner Child Meditation already available! Watch it now

Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation

New session ASCENSION GUIDE already available! Book it now

New session REIKI DISTANCE HEALING already available! Book it now

New session Healing Chamber Meditation from the Akashic Records already available! Book it now

New session Clear Vows, Oaths & Contracts From Your Akashic Records already available! Book it now

New session Healing Your Inner Child Meditation already available! Book it now