Healing Your Inner Child Meditation

Healing Your Inner Child Meditation


Your inner child is your original self that entered into this world. It contains your original state of being with the capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, unconditional love and playfulness.

Through a wounded inner child, there may be repressed feelings and emotions that are stuck in that experience that are consciously playing themselves out destructively in the world.

By reconnecting with your inner child, you can heal those injured parts of yourself to clear them from your subconscious mind once and for all. The inner child is screaming to be heard. It is seeking to be nurtured, understood and loved.

This is why Inner child work is such a vital component of Spiritual work, because it helps to reconnect you to the purest part of your Soul. The part that is vulnerable and fragile and just seeks to be loved.

This meditation will gently guide you into a safe space of reconnecting with your inner child to free yourself from the ties that bind you that have kept you stuck for so long. You will feel lighter and nurtured as you heal from the emotional wounds of the past. This loving healing will ultimately set you free.

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Rosemary is a lightworker, empath, and healer with a varied background in the spiritual arts. Self-love, self-care and self-respect are at the forefront of everything she does. She's embark on this journey to help others find answers and help discover the…

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