<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation | Core Spirit

Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation

healing session
$25 USD
$25 USD

In order to return to wholeness, there needs to be a return to true balance by feeling your feelings and emotions in order to unlock the full potential of your whole and complete self. It’s time to embrace the unique nurturing qualities of the heart. Through honoring your divine feminine you can fully realign and bring back into balance your complete Divine Self.

Nature teaches us that all things are rebirthed anew after the death of the old. Women create life, and through this birth cycle the divine feminine emerges giving birth to new expressions of life and love by way of creativity, love, intuition, forgiveness, harmony and beauty.

The sacred feminine has been suppressed far too long. The divine masculine can only go so far without it’s divine goddess. For the qualities of the divine feminine is what’s been missing from our lives.

In this meditation you are brought to healing aspects of yourself that may have felt unloved, abandoned or incomplete. Heal yourself by awakening to the experience of the true love you deserve. You are being called back to love! You are being called back to YOU!

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Simi Valley, CA, USA

I am an Ascension Guide here to help those going through the Ascension process on their Spritual Journey. Through my guidance, you will know why you're experiencing the many life changes and what they mean for your soul's evolution.

On Core Spirit since June 2021

Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation

In order to return to wholeness, there needs to be a return to true balance by feeling your feelings and emotions in order to unlock the full potential of your whole and complete self. It’s time to embrace the unique nurturing qualities of the heart. Through honoring your divine feminine you can fully realign and bring back into balance your complete Divine Self.

Nature teaches us that all things are rebirthed anew after the death of the old. Women create life, and through this birth cycle the divine feminine emerges giving birth to new expressions of life and love by way of creativity, love, intuition, forgiveness, harmony and beauty.

The sacred feminine has been suppressed far too long. The divine masculine can only go so far without it’s divine goddess. For the qualities of the divine feminine is what’s been missing from our lives.

In this meditation you are brought to healing aspects of yourself that may have felt unloved, abandoned or incomplete. Heal yourself by awakening to the experience of the true love you deserve. You are being called back to love! You are being called back to YOU!

Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation
Format: Recording
Duration: 1hr 3 min's

Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Healing Chamber Meditation from the Akashic Records

This meditation will take you through the Halls of the Akashic Records into the Healing Chamber where you will be greeted by the Akashic Masters, your Angels, Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters of the Highest Divine Light of Pure Source Energy. This will help you clear away any old thought patterns, behaviors or blocks that may be preventing you from moving forward so you can return to the state of Oneness of your true Divine Nature.

This meditation speaks to your subconscious mind to reconnect you with the highest aspect of your Soul to bring forth the highest possible healing you are now ready to receive, so you can return to a fuller state of awareness of your awakened Souls divine essence and potential.

Everyone has an original blueprint from which they were created from. As you embark on this healing journey, you will find it easier to walk through life when you are in greater alignment with the expansiveness of your being. During this experience, you will come to see that the Healing Chamber takes on a form of multi-dimensionality as it brings to you the necessary healing that is right and perfect for you at this time of your souls journey and evolution.

Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Clear Vows, Oaths & Contracts From Your Akashic Records

When one makes a promise, vow or enters into a contract, you make it in full agreement and compliance with Universal law. The problem is, the Universe recognizes this and holds you to it. This means that if you’ve ever made any sort of contract in this lifetime or any other, it may still be playing itself out today in some manner in your life.

These can be many forms of contract you may have entered into with people or situations. Most common are marriage vows, vows of poverty (from previously being a nun, monk or priest), but there are many other vows you may have entered into that remain unknown to you. Some may generate limiting beliefs, resistance or sabotaging, subconscious behavior patterns in your energy field.

Most contracts remain in your energy field until the karma is paid, or until you can clear them energetically. This old energy simply sits in your energy field holding space until you are ready to release it. That is why it's a good idea to energetically clear these detrimental forms of energy from your records (field).

The clearing is done on your behalf, so there is nothing you need to do. However, you can listen to the recording and state your intention to infuse your energy into it.

Clear Vows, Oaths and Contracts From Your Akashic Records
Format: Video
Duration: Approx 16 min's

Inner Child Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Healing Your Inner Child Meditation

Your inner child is your original self that entered into this world. It contains your original state of being with the capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, unconditional love and playfulness.

Through a wounded inner child, there may be repressed feelings and emotions that are stuck in that experience that are consciously playing themselves out destructively in the world.

By reconnecting with your inner child, you can heal those injured parts of yourself to clear them from your subconscious mind once and for all. The inner child is screaming to be heard. It is seeking to be nurtured, understood and loved.

This is why Inner child work is such a vital component of Spiritual work, because it helps to reconnect you to the purest part of your Soul. The part that is vulnerable and fragile and just seeks to be loved.

This meditation will gently guide you into a safe space of reconnecting with your inner child to free yourself from the ties that bind you that have kept you stuck for so long. You will feel lighter and nurtured as you heal from the emotional wounds of the past. This loving healing will ultimately set you free.

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