High Quality of Life with Chronic Illness

High Quality of Life with Chronic Illness

coaching session

A fully-facilitated, transformative online program

How can a high quality of life be restored and re-established when much of what before constituted quality of your life has been lost due to a chronic illness, pain and/or disability?

Your life purpose, your values, beliefs and personal needs are just some of your unique dynamics that get severely challenged and need caring attention.

This very comprehensive, in-depth program, based on the internationally-certified New Insights™ Program, will guide you along the powerful aspects of your personal foundation.

Among many other things, you will learn:
• How to set goals within the conditions of your circumstances
• To identify your beliefs, and how to design supporting beliefs
• To discover your highest values and how to live in alignment with them
• What taking responsibility really means
• Recognize and meet your most important needs
• How only you are in charge of the quality of your life
• To discover and formulate your own, individual Life Purpose

Length: 12 Modules
Duration: 12 Weeks
Purchase Fee: $ US 250 *
Category: Facilitated transformative program

pdf documents - audio recordings - worksheets - email consultations
  • please note that this is a once-off payment – there will be no additional charges
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Through my online practice Heart and Soul Coaching I have been assisting people in living a life of renewed quality and purpose within the context of a chronic illness, chronic pain and/or disability since 2011. The email format of the fully facilitated p…

Career Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
Generating Income whilst Chronically Ill
An in-depth, transformative online course. Among the many challenges associated with living with one or more chronic health conditions and/or disability surely is presented by the terrifying financial consequences. Losing your work or forced to work onl…
Life Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
Mental and Emotional Renewal in Chronic Illness
A fully-facilitated, transformative online program. The entry of a permanent, chronic health condition in your biography eventually pushes you to an inner threshold: the quest for doing differently becomes a quest for being differently. When much of wha…
Arjan Bogaers
Creating Well-being whilst Being Unwell
An in-depth, transformative online course What are your options when a chronic illness, pain and/or disability have all but eliminated your previous work, function, recreation, income and so much more? This course will support you when you are in dire n…
Financial Counselling
Arjan Bogaers
Resolve a Crisis in 12 Steps
A fully-facilitated, transformative online program A crisis heralds an ending; of trust, hope, safety, health, and so much more. In time, however, it also opens a door to new beginnings; wisdom, empowerment, resolve. This detailed and intense program …
Wellness Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
High Quality of Life with Chronic Illness
A fully-facilitated, transformative online program How can a high quality of life be restored and re-established when much of what before constituted quality of your life has been lost due to a chronic illness, pain and/or disability? Your life purpose,…

Spiritual Healing
Arjan Bogaers
Illness – Past, Present and Future
When, in our search for insights to support us in the challenge of living with a chronic health condition, we consider possible spiritual views, we soon encounter the concept of karma. Now, karma is a multi-layered and complex cosmic dynamic, and in our …
Spiritual Healing
Arjan Bogaers
This Strange Land - a Reluctant Pilgrimage
Usually we equate ‘healing’ with ‘cure’ or with eliminating the disease. This can, however, be cause for great anxiety, pressure and feelings of failure when such ‘healing’ does not take place. In the case of many chronic diseases and in the case of di…
Career Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
Chronic Disease vs Chronic Illness
Chronic Disease vs. Chronic Illness The professional support offered by Heart and Soul Coaching recognizes and adheres to the distinction between the concepts ‘chronic disease’ and ‘chronic illness’. Chronic Disease Chronic Disease refers to the patho…
Career Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
My Life Purpose
When the question of and search for the concept of a life purpose or meaning of life first appeared in human consciousness, answers were found mostly in the religious sphere. This implied that there was a divine design to creation, and that the human bein…
Arjan Bogaers
Illness or Health / Illness and Health ?
Many of us are familiar with the definition of health as it is proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO): “The complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Naturally, we need to understand th…
Career Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
The Role of Coaching in Chronic Illness and Disability
The professional support offered by Heart and Soul Coaching recognizes and adheres to the distinction between the concepts ‘chronic disease’ and ‘chronic illness’. Chronic Disease refers to the pathology of the condition, based on the biomedical disease …
Career Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
The importance of Emotional Expression in Chronic Health Issues
A chronic health condition and its associated symptoms and resulting losses inevitably lead to profound and fundamental emotional experiences. Loss of function, of independence, self-image, personal and professional roles, and loss of what was once expect…
Arjan Bogaers
The importance of Self-compassion in Chronic Disease
As part of the struggle with the fundamental and profound changes as a result of living with a chronic health condition, we encounter the sometimes-overwhelming feelings of failure, shame, self-blame and weakness. Instead of acknowledging the courage, per…

Practitioner Reviews

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Arjan Bogaers4y ago

Thank you, Michelle, for your interest. Stress is a very comprehensive subject and multi-layered dynamic, with many possible causes. If the stress you experience is associated with a particular problem, or problems, this trajectory would be of great help. It would allow you to work through things in a very well-designed order of steps, together making up a process of taking you from the experience of your problem to clarity, closure and a new beginning. Please stay in touch through this message platform. Best wishes, Arjan.

Michelle Collins4y ago

Hello! Do your sessions help with the problem of stress?

Career Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
Generating Income whilst Chronically Ill
Life Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
Mental and Emotional Renewal in Chronic Illness
Wellness Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
High Quality of Life with Chronic Illness

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