<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Holistic Soul-Healing - A Path, Practice & Philosophy of Feeling Good | Core Spirit

Holistic Soul-Healing - A Path, Practice & Philosophy of Feeling Good

mentorship session
$111 USD
$111 USD

Connect With Your Eternal Heart Light

Feeling Lack, Bad, Sad, Lonely, Confused or Depressed?

Start To Feel Good... All the Time!

Sessions Include: Intake, Healing and Integration

Empower Yourself with Self-Healing Abilities!

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Carpinteria, CA, USA

I follow my heart and it leads me where it needs me... and it led me to you.

The eternal truth is... I only want to feel good.

I want to share my lightness of being with others whom cross my path.

I want to complete what I call the Circuit of Life within myself and others by turning on the light.

I call this path and practice - Holistic Soul Healing.

So, everyday I practice the way with Deep Energy Meditation.

My lightness of being yearns to be present, to speak, to teach, and to share what I call - The Philosophy of Feeling Good.

I went through a profound spiritual awakening on May 3rd 2009.

I am passionate about assisting others to embark on a journey of joyful spiritual awakening and alignment with eternal Self, Spirit and Source Energy.

I guide people to discover the wisdom of their own eternal true nature of being.

I mentor others seeking ways to feel good, find peace, joy, and self-empowerment.

I love exploring life-realization, self-actualization, self-discovery, self-empowerment and self-love.

I share paths, practices, perspectives and methodologies from my heart light including - Holistic Soul-Healing, The Philosophy of Feeling Good, Deep Energy Meditation, Life-Realization Mastery, and High Frequency Foods for Ascension.

On Core Spirit since April 2023

Kurt Douglas Trevallion (Dakshina)
Seeking a Spiritual Path and Practice to find yourself or feel good?

Seeking a Spiritual Path and Practice to find yourself or feel good?

Are you on a spiritual path and practice that you are deeply passionate about?

Well, just so you know, I am very passionate, and I would love to share with you.

I call my spiritual path and practice... Holistic Soul-Healing.

It's been almost 14 years since my spiritual transformation and awakening.

Since then I discovered Holistic Soul-Healing and The Philosophy of Feeling Good.

In future writings I will share more of my discoveries with you including... Deep Energy Meditation, Life-Realization Mastery and High Frequency Foods for Ascension.

If you would allow me, I would like to share a bit about The Philosophy of Feeling Good with you.

A brief preface...

First, you may not believe me but... I only feel good.

Second, I love to study and share the eternal truth of nature.

And third, the eternal truth is...

~ we create our own reality, we choose everything in each and every life incarnation.

~ that's right, there is no such thing as an accident.

~ everything arises and emanates from within you.

~ you are the epicenter, the essence of center, of life.

~ you are this one and only moment of all creation.

~ you create your own reality.

~ everything is a choice, when we realize our choices we call it meaning, when we don't realize our choices we call it an accident.

~ energy inherently contains momentum.

~ all momentum, experience, expansion, expression and reflection unfolds from within being, within you.

Always feeling good is a state of being I choose (pssst...🤫 and you can too...😉).

Thank you for allowing me to share my path and practice of Holistic Soul-Healing, and a bit about the eternal truth of nature, with you.

The Philosophy of Feeling Good is all about focusing... not on thinking and/or beliefs, but rather on feelings, trust and following the infinite intelligence within your own inner eternal energy field, eternal true nature of being, higher Self and Source.

Your first step to achieving a state of feeling good is to practice connecting, communing, and following your heart light and soul space.

The Philosophy of Feeling Good is all about tapping into your heart light and soul space; tuning in, connecting to, communing with, and listening in to, your own intuitive and inherent connection you have with your inner eternal energy field, eternal true nature of being, higher Self and Source.

The Philosophy of Feeling Good can assist you in raising your vibration, becoming free, open, empty, conscious, deliberate, peaceful, awake, aware, allowing, joyful, appreciative, accepting, fulfilled, whole, complete, satisfied, blissful, loving and caring.

To feel good all the time you need to begin within and discover who you really are.

The Philosophy of Feeling Good focuses on The Way (Tao Te Ching), on a path and practice that leads to total freedom, self- realization, self-actualization, transcendence, self-empowerment, the joy of being, ascension, emptiness, silence, fulfillment, wholeness, oneness, stillness, timelessness, namelessness and nothingness.

May you choose wisely to journey joyfully within the infinite divine essence of you, the silent, still, empty space where all goodness and grace arises and emanates from (also known as the non-physical, the unconditional, the intangible, the divine light, God, goodness and grace).

Strengthening your eternal connection in communion with goodness, and grace, leads you to the pristine state of satisfaction, fulfillment, and joy in this one and only moment of all creation.

Remember, all being arises and emanates from a Source of goodness and grace.

This is why all being, in every realm of life wants to feel good, because all being comes from a Source of perfect good.

To me God is just a short word for good.

You too can learn how to feel, and know, good (God) by completing the 'Circuit of Life' within your own eternal energy field.

To complete the 'Circuit of Life' within you, Starr by practicing focusing on your inner being; stop giving attention and energy to the energy body in your head that yearns to be fed (ego, incessant thinking and beliefs).

This practice, which I call Deep Energy Meditation, I will get into in more depth in forthcoming writings.

Just know, when you choose wisely to practice 'The Philosophy of Feeling Good' and embark on an journey of spiritual awakening and alignment with Source Energy, with goodness and grace, you discover that you chose this life incarnation, and you're not really who you think you are.

You are magnificent, beautiful, amazing, intelligent, conscious, joyful, spiritual and eternal light/being.

Ever wonder what eternity is... the answer is... you.

Not who you think you are, who you really are.

Discover the wisdom of Deep Energy Meditation, Life-Realization Mastery and High Frequency Foods for Ascension in articles forthcoming.

All are amazing paths to enlightenment, self-empowerment and the joy of being.

Remember, it's always now, life only exists now, and now is always the time to tune in to, and turn on, your own divine lightness of being.

Blessings and Namaste' dear soul friend,

Dakshina 🦋

A bit about me/Dakshina...

I am passionate about assisting others to embark on a journey of joyful spiritual awakening and alignment with eternal Self, Spirit and Source Energy.

I guide people on a path to discover the wisdom of their own eternal true nature of being.

I study and mentor people on a path and practice of life-realization, self-actualization, self-discovery, self-empowerment and self-love.

I share paths, practices, perspectives and methodologies from the heart light... including - Holistic Soul-Healing, The Philosophy of Feeling Good, Deep Energy Meditation, Life-Realization Mastery and High Frequency Foods for Ascension.

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