According to Naturopathy, Any disease flourish into our Mind or body due to our Wrong Eating habits for a long period and thus can be easily cured by developing some Healthy Eating Habits with kinda change in lifestyle.
Lifestyle Disease Reversal Diet
Yoga Sadhna Kender is a Registered Society, Currently Being Chaired & Directed by Dr. Rajinder Kaushal (Naturopath & Certified Yoga Instructor), Curing Diseases with the aid of Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathy, Acupressure & Ayurveda since Year 2000.
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"योग से सिर्फ रोगों, बीमारियों से छुटकारा ही नही मिलता है बल्कि यह सबके कल्याण की गारंटी भी देता है।"
Disease Reversal with Food-Medicine within 90 days
Whats app us at +91-8699891688 for more info.
Yoga & Food has the power to reverse the, so called, lifestyle diseases over a period of time.
Our PNDP performs the same task for you!
Yoga & Food has the power to reverse the, so called, lifestyle diseases over a period of time.
Our PNDP performs the same task for you!
Disease reversal Diet Plan.
Food Medicine & Yoga has the power to reverse the lifestyle diseases over a period of time.
Thus includes a diet plan which has the potential to Reverse the Lifestyle Diseases such as Diabetes, Arthritis etc which have now been labelled as Normal and we are being trained to MANAGE with the diseases instead of Curing them.
So in Session, you will be guided & motivated how to follow the diet plan and how will it help you in reversing the diseases.
It is Disease Reversal Diet Plan
Hi! This is something new for me. I would like to know exactly how the session goes. Thx in advance!
Hello! What do you mean by reversal diet?