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Food Craving Cure

therapy session
$49 USD
$49 USD

Food can be a major comforter and it’s at the center of many happy life events. It’s only natural we would associate certain types of food with feeling happy, loved, excited or cared for. At times of difficulty we reach for these foods to bring us that comfort.

No wonder we develop cravings. Mine’s cake and the FOOD STORY is my father has always baked wonderful cakes it’s the taste of home, belonging, laughter, fun times and celebrations.

Recognising the emotions that cause us to reach for our trigger foods is a vital part of transforming them. Learn how to use EFT tapping to neutralise food cravings for sugar, salt or any foods such as chocolate, crisps, fast food etc

3 sessions $135

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Provided By
Fallowfield, Cambridge CB4 1PD, UK

I want to Empower you to live your dream life. Heal the past, love the present and chose your future. Release old thought patterns, emotions, and beliefs. Learn simple, powerful tools to continue expanding life’s possibilities. Release anxiety, reveal your authentic self and speak your truth. Find a new relationship or job. Discover NO DIET ~ WEIGHT LOSS, evidence based course for lasting results.

On Core Spirit since April 2020

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Food Craving Cure
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Inner Child Healing
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Leave your comments / questions

Irene Hudson3y ago

I can’t live without chocolate, it seems to me that if I don’t eat at least a piece for the whole day, I will be nervous and irritable, I will not have energy and strength. Can you help me overcome my addiction to chocolate, so as not to harm my body? Thank you in advance for your answer!

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