Family Coaching

Family Coaching

coaching session

Family coaching is a growing trend and specialised service which enables families to over come their challenges.

This service is done via Zoom and is done 1 to 2 hours at a time.

You will learn how to communicate with each other.
You will understand how to feel less frustrated.
You will feel able to build a harmonious home life again.

You will be able to understand anger and how to control it.
Parent without feeling you are in a. war zone.

So if you want a personalised session for you and your family surrounding these matters get in touch with me now. I have an outstanding results with those I have worked for over 26 years.

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Provided By
Im a Positive Relationships and Family Coach, offering support specifically in communication, Anger management and understanding emotions. Im a Key note speaker and a have a wealth of enthusiasm and knowledge to share. Having been in the social care sec…

Relationship Coaching
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Wishes and Feelings with Children - allow them to express themselves
I offer sessions for children aged 5-16, whereby they can fully express themselves through direct work. We are able to establish what is bothering them, what their fears are, what prevents them from being confidant, have self worth and self belief. My 26…
Career Coaching
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Communication Skills reconnect with those you care about
Do you want to understand some basic important communication skills? Want to be able to reconnect with your partner/children/family or friends?:Understand what effective communication is:What Empathic Awarenesses Skills are and how to utilise the listeni…
Career Coaching
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Family Coaching
Family coaching is a growing trend and specialised service which enables families to over come their challenges. This service is done via Zoom and is done 1 to 2 hours at a time. You will learn how to communicate with each other. You will understand how…
Life Coaching
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Coaching – Discovery Call
This call will highlight in just 30 minutes where you need areas of support in your life to stop you feeling overwhelmed.
Positive Psychology
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Anger Management 12 week program
This is a group course lasting 6 weeks 2 hours a week plus home work for men and women between the ages of 30-50. If you are always angry and not sure why this course is for you. This course will enable you to identify what anger is. What your triggers…

Practitioner Reviews

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Leave your comments / questions

Anna Scott4y ago

Hey , the sessions are mixed so with parents alone, and child alone and parents together wiht child

Anna Scott4y ago

Hi Anna, depends on the situation, Initially I prefer to meet individually with all members involved in the challenge identified, then I like to bring you together to be able to work through the challenges

Anna Scott4y ago

Hi April, Teenage years are never easy, so many changes and with the pandemic it has been even harder for many young adults to connect with their parents. 1) What would your Ideal relationship look like with your parents 2) what could you do and what could they do that would start to help towards that goal? 3) do you take even five mins a day to communicate with each other, asking how are you? and actively listen to what each other has to say? - im happy to support email me

Career Coaching
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Communication Skills reconnect with those you care about
Positive Psychology
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Anger Management 12 week program
Relationship Coaching
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Wishes and Feelings with Children - allow them to express themselves
Anna Ginger4y ago

Should the whole family be present at the session, or is it just me? Thanks

April Chase4y ago

I sometimes miss the support from my parents… we have never had a close relationship, we rarely go out together, we rarely talk, and we know almost nothing about each other. It makes me depressed… is it still possible to change something if I am already 18?I’m not going through the best period of my teenage life, can you help me find contact with my parents?…thank you in advance!

Life Coaching
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Coaching – Discovery Call
Career Coaching
Anna Scott
Mar 15, 2025, 08:00
Family Coaching

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