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Compassionate energy healing

healing session
English, Swedish, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian
$20 USD
$20 USD

For those times when we feel we need the energetic space to let our whole being restore itself.
The healing is meant to give you a sense of safety and feel like your emotional needs are met. It is an opportunity to get out of your own way and let Spirit help guide you back to peace so you get in touch with your own truth.

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Hello folks!
My name is Nan.
I work as a mentor and guide.
I use various techniques in my toolbox that I learned over the years like coaching, hypnotherapy and other therapeutic disciplines. And of course, my intuitive abilities are the main factor I work with.

Teaching and guiding are my passions.
Seeing people grow, expand their perspectives, and embrace their true selves is why I do what I do... In my work, I aim to always guide you back to your essence and grow spiritually and emotionally.

Hope to see you.

On Core Spirit since September 2020

Inner Child Healing
Maybe I am worthy of more?
It takes many layers of shedding our emotional wounds before we understand the fundamental truth that people’s actions and choices, at the end of the day have nothing to do with us and everything to do with them. Just like the choices and actions we make …
Spiritual Healing
When nice is not kind
Have you ever thought about how little we express our truth? Since when is it okay to protect people from the truth of life and deliver it in a pretty package? Yet we do it all the time. We are certainly not doing anyone any favours. There are certain beh…
Spiritual Healing
The painful lesson behind narcissism
If you asked me years ago what it meant to love someone, I would have told you that it means to abandon yourself completely and let the other person take advantage of you. All the while you feed them grapes. No, but on a little more serious note, it wasn’…
Spiritual Healing
Being an observer of yourself and the rest of creation can be a tricky task. We are visceral beings that have emotions and feel all sorts of things. We use our senses and this is exactly as it should be to have our experience. To let the divine experience…
Leadership Coaching
The price of denial
There comes a time in everyone’s life where we have to face some hard truths in order to grow. Well, you don´t HAVE to but the price of not doing so is very high many times. Growing up in denial is a form of barrier we carry almost like having our head i…
Channeled poem from the inner luminary
My love, you seem so distant. It breaks my heart to see you so empty, Does your heart sing as mine does but in silence so no one would shut it down? Does it dare to dream about things only hearts can ? Has fear convinced you of losing it in this world …
Shame, needs and being human oh my
When I was dating a while back I still had some issues around asserting my boundaries and communicating my needs. This is what I was taught and because of my trauma, I had a very hard time feeling like my needs were important. I felt shameful for having n…
Free will is your power
If there is one thing you will always have with you in life it is the power of choice. No one or nothing can take away your free will, it’s a gift that holds immense power, but we seem to take it for granted many times. Life happens, thoughts fly all ove…
When identity becomes a battle
When I was growing up, my mom used to tell me to choose my battles wisely. I spent a lot of time trying to understand what she meant by that. I was always one of those people needing to understand everything. Later learned I had control issues that made m…
The reality of spiritual awakening
Have you ever stopped and wondered why we do the things we do? Why we react in specific ways? Behind every action we take, there is an intent, and sometimes that intent can be clear as day, but other times it is more hidden in the shadows working behind t…

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