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Chakra Meditation & Pranayama

healing session
$10 USD
$10 USD

Join me for a bespoke chakra meditation & pranayama session. The chakras can be considered energy centres in the subtle body. Each chakra governs different qualities, if any one of these energy centres is off-balance, it can mean we feel stuck, unsettled, low, lethargic, overwhelmed, overstimulated, misunderstood, burnt out... Essentially, if our chakras are unbalanced then it can mean we're not living our true potential or our truth. We can get stuck at certain areas and find it difficult to move on or embed tangible change.

Here is a very brief overview of the main chakras in yogic philosophy, if any of these resonate then perhaps you would like to focus your attention there. Our meditation and pranayama sessions can be focussed on one or two specific chakras, or alternatively, we can focus the session on clearing and purifying all seven energy centres. The session will be bespoke to you and your needs.

  • Muladhara - the earth chakra. This governs safety, security, sense of self, feeling you have all your needs met. If this chakra is out of balance you may feel fearful, lethargic or unrooted.

  • Svadhisthana - the sacral chakra. Governs emotions, creativity, sensuality. If this chakra is unbalanced you may feel overly sensitive, erratic, disconnected sexually and creatively.

  • Manipura - solar plexus chakra. Governs motivation, confidence, drive, ego. An unbalanced Manipura chakra can express as an inflated ego, lack of motivation, inability to move forward with plans and goals.

  • Annahata - heart chakra. This governs your ability to love and be loved, to forgive, have compassion, empathy and joy. If this chakra is imbalanced it can express as feeling closed, lonely, isolated, people-pleasing or feeling you don't belong.

  • Vishuddha - throat chakra. Governs self-expression, confidence speaking your truth from the heart, clear communication. An imbalance here can express as lack of vocal confidence, lack of ability to listen, lack of honesty, over or under dominance in conversation.

  • Ajna - third eye chakra. This is your centre of intuition, insight, wisdom and clarity. An imbalance in this chakra expresses as feeling lost or disconnected. An inability to look past problems and see the wood through the trees. Brain fog, disconnection to your intuition.

  • Sahasrara - crown chakra. This is the place of higher knowledge, consciousness, awareness and peace. An imbalance in this energy centre is expressed as overwhelm, information overload, cynicism, spiritual disconnection or over-connection, apathy, illusions of grandeur, obsession.

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Gandia, Valencia, Spain

Certified yoga facilitator, massage therapist, aerialist, blogger, energy worker. Anthropology degree informs my understanding of people and drive for positive change. Inspiring self-worth, self-compassion and deep inner-strength.First we find love and contentment inside, then offer our light and talents as meaningful contributions toward a balanced, positive and inclusive future.

On Core Spirit since September 2021

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