<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> 1hour clarity coaching call | Core Spirit

1hour clarity coaching call

coaching session
$170 USD
$170 USD

Feeling stuck and need a fresh perspective? A 1 off session will help you to get things moving.

Do you feel like you are lacking a clear direction? Are you searching for a way to find clarity about your life and purpose? Are you are experiencing a blip and need someone to help get you back on track? Do you just need a boost in your motivation, or someone to facilitate the process of working through some ideas? If yes, then this call is exactly what you are looking for.

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Hanoi, Vietnam

Gemma BSc (Hons) is an empowerment coach who is fully committed to her clients. Using her extensive psychology knowledge and direct approach, Gemma helps clients re-evaluate their goals and motivations. Having Gemma alongside you on your journey, will give you the support and motivation you need to make positive change and stick to it.

On Core Spirit since February 2021

Practitioner Reviews
(4 reviews)
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Lina3y ago

Hello. how accurate is this practice? how long does it last?

Hi John, thanks for your comment. That is completely up to you. I use a client centred approach which means that you are in charge of the area we focus on in your session. Hope that helps!

John Persey3y ago

Hey ! Is this session more about career path or personallife?

Career Coaching
Gemma Sheppard
Aug 3, 2024, 02:00
Self Care to Sobriety
Career Coaching
Gemma Sheppard
Aug 3, 2024, 02:00
1hour clarity coaching call

Hello, I’m really sorry I didn’t reply sooner. I am fairly new to this platform and I only just saw your comment.

Coaching is a practice whereby I would help you to set and achieve goals. You can set these goals in any area of your life. The main thing about coaching is that it is you who will do the work to get from where you are to where you want to be. I will help to make things more clear for you in terms of what you want in life. If you would like to discuss on a free call, please email me soulcarebygemma@gmail.com

Thanks and have a great day

Anna Ginger3y ago

I miss one person very much and I can’t stop thinking about him, although I want to. How can you work with me? thank you in advance)

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