What is the role of clarity when it comes to mental and emotional well-being?

Lack of clarity means confusion.

Confusion leads to being and feeling stuck.

Feeling stuck leads to pain.

What does it take for you to get out of the confusion?


Self-awareness creates a more comprehensive picture of what one wants, needs, and stands for.

These are the pillars for clarity.

And then clarity creates a direction toward one's vision.

It helps us get unstuck, in flow, in motion.


Bethany Thomasβ€’2y ago

Someone told me "whenever your life is feeling stagnant or as if nothing is happening, that means you're being given the time & space to heal & release the baggage that you cannot carry to where you're meant to go soon.." & I haven't looked at things the same since...


Wow, I love that! It really resonates with me.

Change I want to makeβ€’2y ago

I wanna add something productive with you. Clarity plays an important role in mental and emotional well-being because it allows individuals to understand their thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Clarity can help one to understand their own needs and values and to set healthy boundaries. With clarity, individuals can make more informed decisions, set realistic goals and make better plans to achieve them. Clarity also allows individuals to identify and let go of unhealthy habits, thoughts and patterns of behavior. When it comes to emotions, clarity can help to identify the root causes of them, process them in a healthy way and to make peace with them. All of this can lead to less stress, less anxiety, and more self-awareness. Clarity can be fostered through practices such as mindfulness, journaling, therapy and self-reflection.

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