<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, July 2021 | Core Spirit

TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, July 2021

Jul 30, 2021
Core Spirit Ratings
Core Spirit member since Mar 16, 2020
Reading time less than 1 minute
  1. Tammy Majchrzak is a Spiritual Teacher, Archangel Metatron Channel, and Ascension Guide with over 20 years of experience in Ascension dynamics. She provides outstanding sessions and writes mind-changing articles. Read them and book a session with Tammy here https://corespirit.com/practitioners/14505

  2. Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Therapeutic Art Life Coach Lizzy Robbins integrates a variety of therapies in my sessions including energy healing and mind/body techniques, and herbal and nutritional guidance.

  3. Intuitive Eating Counsellor and Body Confidence Coach Stephenie Farrell can help you quit dieting, end emotional eating, and make peace with food so you can feel confident and joyful in your body.

  4. Heather Rollins has been working with tarot and oracle cards for over two decades, using them as a personal guide and a window into the Divine. She specializes in mental health readings, to help those who struggle with anxiety, depression, Imposter Syndrome, and more.

  5. Intuitive Coach and Medium Melissa Watkins can help you transform the negative energy that you carry that is holding you back and blocking you from living your best life.

If you want to be included in the list, register as a practitioner, add your services, write articles and let's meet on the next list!

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