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Shamanic Healing
neo pachisia
Aug 4, 2024, 23:00
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing harnesses the power of the spirit world to facilitate profound healing, with my guidance and support. Target audience Individuals seeking holistic and spiritual healing solutions, especially those open to exploring shamanic traditions…
By registered users: 43
neo pachisia
Aug 4, 2024, 23:00
Reiki 30 mins
Reiki is a renowned energy healing method that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, effective both in person and at a distance. Target audience Individuals seeking holistic wellness, stress relief, and balance in their lives, includ…
By registered users: 13
Spiritual Healing
Milijana Marinovic
Jul 30, 2024, 22:00
Healing with Tesla Waves– Distance Healing Session
Tesla Metamorphosis is a holistic healing modality that uses Tesla waves accessed directly from active Etar. This holistic healing creates a complex metamorphosis of the human body by bringing it to the perfect balance of Light. Tesla Healing is very effe…
By registered users: 98
Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
Aug 2, 2024, 09:00
Anchoring of the war-free DNA
“Anchoring of the War-Free DNA” is a transformative service designed to energetically activate and cleanse your DNA from the residual effects of past wars, fostering a life of peace and harmony. This process helps to release deep-seated oppression and vio…
By registered users: 26
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Fusion Reiki Distance Healing Session
Fusion Reikiis a mixture of the energies of Usui Reiki, Karuna, Seichim, and Tao Tian An Mian Chi Gong. After you have been healed by Fusion Reiki, you will find your High Sense Perception greatly amplified and quite easy to develop. Most people find the…
By registered users: 10
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Money Reiki Distance Healing Session
Money Reiki is not about manifesting large sums of cash quickly. It’s more than that. It’s a transformative energy that is here to help make the planet a place where everyone can live lives of abundance, contributing their own unique talents and abilities…
By registered users: 15
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Agape Reiki Distance Healing Session
Agape is a Greek word that has come to represent “unconditional love” in our modern times. It is a universal, spiritual love, a love that is divine in nature. Some say it is this love that is the true nature of God, of All That Is, of the ultimate reality…
By registered users: 9
Spiritual Healing
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Illahi Noor Healing | Distance Healing Session
What is Illahi Noor? Illahi Noor is an ancient portal of Divine Grace Energy, from the golden ray, originating in Egypt, that has been reactivated 15 years ago and that is now accessible to all, to bring the qualities and healing powers of Oneness, non du…
By registered users: 6
Spiritual Healing
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Reiki Psychic
All Reiki healings can help with psychic abilities, however, this healing is aimed to specifically assist with your psychic gifts. This healing helps increase awareness on mental, physical, spiritual and emotional levels. It also helps open and expand yo…
By registered users: 6
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Reiki Grand Master Level 20 Distance Healing Session
The Reiki Grand Master 5-20 Levels expand upon the original Reiki system and add new symbols, practices and energetic tools for personal and spiritual growth. Although not part of the original Reiki system, the Reiki Grand Master attunements build upon i…
By registered users: 9
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Kundalini Reiki Distance Healing Session (Very Powerful!!)
Where is the Kundalini located and how does it functions? The Kundalini starts in the earth which is then guided to the Root chakra (this energy centre is located near the coccyx) and acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. The energy runs all the …
By registered users: 8
Chakra Balancing
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Chakra Flush Empowerment Distance Healing Session
What is Chakra Flush Empowerment? It’s a cleansing energy. It does not energize the chakras, but gently clears them of old blocks and stuck energies. By gently releasing the energetic wounds of the past, the Chakra Flush allows new appropriate energy to e…
By registered users: 7
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Usui Reiki Distance Healing Session
Overview Experience the transformative power of Usui Reiki from the comfort of your own space with my Distance Healing sessions. Target audience Individuals seeking holistic and non-invasive healing methods Those experiencing stress, anxiety, or …
By registered users: 5
Spiritual Healing
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Lavender Reiki Distance Healing Session
Overview Experience the profound healing and alignment of Lavender Reiki, a unique energy system created by Hari. This gentle yet powerful energy awakens you to your true spiritual essence and harmonizes your physical and subtle bodies, enhancing the f…
By registered users: 6
Angel Healing
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Gold Ray of Raphael Distance Healing Session
Overview Experience the healing power of the Gold Ray of Raphael, an energy stream renowned for its gentle yet profound healing properties. Named after the archangel Raphael, whose name means “God heals,” this golden energy promotes physical, emotional…
By registered users: 6
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Karuna Ki Reiki Distance Healing Session
Overview Discover deeper insights and guidance with my comprehensive spiritual readings. Whether you’re seeking clarity on your life purpose, navigating a difficult decision, or exploring the depths of your shadow self, these readings are designed to i…
By registered users: 8
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Animal Reiki Distance Healing Session
Overview Experience the gentle and powerful benefits of Reiki for your beloved pets through my Animal Reiki Distance Healing sessions. Target audience Pet owners seeking natural and holistic healing methods for their animals Animals experiencing …
By registered users: 7
Spiritual Healing
Ramona Oliver
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Unlock and unblock the energy fields in and around your body to promote overall wellness.
By registered users: 18
Spiritual Healing
Ramona Oliver
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
Explore possibilities, gain clarity, and empower your decisions with my honest and compassionate approach. Target audience This service is for people who are looking for some direction and guidance along their current path. Having some clarity about y…
By registered users: 8
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Egyptian Sekhmet Healing REIKI Session
Overview Welcome to my Vegan Oasis 🪷 I’m a Holistic Health Coach, a Raw Food Nutritionist, a Vegan Nutrition Coach, and an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. I’m coaching people to go vegan or raw vegan. My holistic approach healed people even from serious …
By registered users: 155
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Jul 29, 2024, 16:00
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation
In order to return to wholeness, there needs to be a return to true balance by feeling your feelings and emotions in order to unlock the full potential of your whole and complete self. It’s time to embrace the unique nurturing qualities of the heart. Thr…
By registered users: 2
Spiritual Healing
Dr June Williams DmedTh
Jul 30, 2024, 10:00
Faradarmani Remote Healing for 7 days
Overview A distant healing session which offers a serene transmission of energy to you, regardless of your location. These sessions can be remarkably impactful without requiring physical proximity and can be experienced across any distance. Target audie…
By registered users: 24
Angel Healing
Malyk Muqaddar
Spiritual Guidance
Guidance to Spiritual Path &amp; Awakening. ~ 22 minutes Channeling ~ 11 minutes Question and Discussion
By registered users: 33
Chakra Balancing
Malyk Muqaddar
Jul 31, 2024, 13:00
7 Seal Chakra Healing & Reading
~ Explore your Chakra blockages and energetically cleanse your chakras to release imbalances to holistically integrate physical, mental, and emotional being. ~ 33 minutes Reading ~ 11 minutes Question and Discussion
By registered users: 41