The Akashic Records are energetic records that hold information about our past, present and future lives. Each soul has its own unique Akashic Records, which serve as powerful resources when we engage with their wisdom.
I connect with your personal Akashic Records and relay information in a gentle and loving way. I am the channel for the Masters to deliver the information requested and needed for your highest and best interest at that moment in time.
You are able to receive information surrounding your purpose and how to release old patterns that no longer serve you. The Akashic Records are a great tool to provide greater clarity, insight and healing into your life.
The benefits of having an Akashic Records consultation are :
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About Jenna DiMaggio I am an energy medicine pratitioner, Akashic Records consultant, meditation guide, and mindset & life coach. I transitioned from being an RN into doing energy healing. I want to help you heal the root of your issues to provide long lasting change. I believe we have the power to heal ourselves and can manifest the life of our dreams into our current reality. |
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