In today's society we are always on the go. Leading to increased levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. We all want more peace, yet no one takes time to slow down.
Meditation is a great practice to cultivate a greater sense of peace and stillness in your life. It assists in calming the mind to better deal with life's situations. When you learn to control the mind you can control all aspects of your life.
I will guide you through different meditation techniques to deeper and strengthen your practice. Depeding on your intention for this practice I can also guide you through a customized guided medtiation for healing, guidance, and/or insight.
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About Jenna DiMaggio I am an energy medicine pratitioner, Akashic Records consultant, meditation guide, and mindset & life coach. I transitioned from being an RN into doing energy healing. I want to help you heal the root of your issues to provide long lasting change. I believe we have the power to heal ourselves and can manifest the life of our dreams into our current reality. |
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