In order to control the mind, we must learn to conrol the breath.
The mind is like a lake. When the water of the lake is calm and clear you are able to see the true reflection of yourself. When there are waves it disortorts the reflection. When the lake is muddy you can't see clearly.
We can use breathwork to clear the mind and our energetic field. Allow us to have greater clarity and peace in our lives.
I will coach you through two different breathwork technqiues to be able to feel calm, centered and clear within.
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About Jenna DiMaggio I am an energy medicine pratitioner, Akashic Records consultant, meditation guide, and mindset & life coach. I transitioned from being an RN into doing energy healing. I want to help you heal the root of your issues to provide long lasting change. I believe we have the power to heal ourselves and can manifest the life of our dreams into our current reality. |
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