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Energy Healing

healing session
$111 USD
$111 USD

We are all energetic beings. When energy and emotions are not processed or cleared they build up in our energetic fields and create blockages. Over time these blockages continue to accumulate, which leads to disease and problems in the physical body. Through clearing this stagnant energy, physical aliments and diseases can be treated and cured. I will clear you energy and channel divine healing energy into your vessel for your highest good.

​I am merely the vessel that divine healing energy comes through into this realm. My hands are guided by Spirit to transmit this energy into different areas into your body and energetic field. Clients often comment on feeling warmth or heat when the energy enters their space. During your session I will clear the energy in your aura, channel divine healing energy, and add a layer of energetic protection to your aura.

To accomplish this I use a combination of energy healing techniques learned from the three healers I have studied under. I have spent more than three months studying with traditional Balinese healers, in particular Ibu Jero, whom I apprenticed with.

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San Diego, CA, USA

I am an energy medicine pratitioner, Akashic Records consultant, meditation guide, and mindset & life coach. I transitioned from being an RN into doing energy healing. I want to help you heal the root of your issues to provide long lasting change. I believe we have the power to heal ourselves and can manifest the life of our dreams into our current reality.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

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It has the same power and effectiveness remotely and in person. We live in a multidimensional time space reality where distance doesn’t affect our energetic connections.
Each person is unique in regards to how the energy is currently flowing through their systems. Some people may feel a large shift right after the session. Others may need a few sessions.

Marc Bowden3y ago

Hello. Could you please tell me, how much more effective are these online sessions than face-to-face meetings? How many sessions are necessary to start noticing the results? Thanks.

Distance Healing
Jenna DiMaggio
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
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Guided Meditation
Jenna DiMaggio
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Guided Meditation
Breathing Meditation (Pranayama)
Jenna DiMaggio
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Breathwork (Pranayama)

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