Stephenie Farrell
About Stephenie Farrell Stephenie is an experienced, Internationally Accredited, and Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner. Well-known for consistently delivering tangible results, she offers personalized support and guidance to her clients. Her compassionate approach, a cornerstone of her practice, ensures that she can effectively assist people dealing with various life challenges, including trauma, anxiety, chronic pain, and beyond, fostering transformative healing and personal growth. |

Emotional Freedom Techniques ( EFT Tapping) Consultation 15 min
Emotional Freedom Techniques, AKA EFT or Tapping : scientifically based, somatic
cognitive energy technique that down regulates the stress response, changes
how we perceive things, resulting in a different thought pattern. Over time, EFT re
wires your bra… continue

New session Emotional Freedom Techniques already available! Book it now
New session 30-minute discovery session already available! Book it now
New session 12-Weeks: Body Confidence & Intuitive Eating Customized Coaching already available! Book it now
New session Power Up & Trust Your Body! Binge & Emotional Eating 8 Week Program already available! Book it now