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Brain Hacking
Dr Sannjay
Nurturing Mental Health: The Bread Crumbing Technique
In the vast landscape of mental health strategies, there exists a subtle yet profound technique known as “bread crumbing.” Like Hansel and Gretel in the fairytale, individuals navigating their mental health journey leave behind tiny breadcrumbs to guide t…
By registered users: 4
Brain Hacking
Alexander Brosda
Unlocking Your Potential: Training Your Brain for Effective Goal Achievement
Achieving goals requires more than just ambition; it demands a strategic approach that involves training your brain to think and act in ways that support your objectives. Whether your goals are personal or professional, adopting a proactive mindset can si…
By registered users: 12
Brain Hacking
The Healing Power of the Brain Spa
If you’re someone who’s been through a tough time, faced trauma head-on, and are searching for a way to find your equilibrium again, this is for you. The Power of the Mind Let’s kick things off by acknowledging the incredible strength that resides withi…
By registered users: 13
Brain Hacking
The Christ Dialogue
Allow yourself to receive change in Christ.
In my last article, I put forth the idea that a spiritually healthy community begins with the individual. As individuals, we are all susceptible to spiritual drowsiness, and it is to our mutual benefit and edification that we remain watchful of ourselves …
By registered users: 1
Brain Hacking
Meera Shah
From Employed to Self-employed
Have you ever sat with your head in your hands and thought, ‘I don’t know if I can do this any-more’. It’s Sunday evening and the thought of another week at your job filled with politics, stress, deadlines, long hours and unnecessary meetings fills you wi…
By registered users: 22
Brain Hacking
Ian Hosein
A Brief Analysis of Divisions in The Brain.
Two hemispheres of the brain see things differently. The left is there to manipulate. The right is there to relate and overall understanding. Do we need both? Why yes, but the left has been taking over Western Civilized Thought. People have begun minimali…
By registered users: 21
Brain Hacking
Core Spirit Scientific Research Reviews
Hacking the Brain: Dimensions of Cognitive Enhancement (Research)
In our rapidly transforming society, demand for excellent cognitive abilities is growing. A recent research, published in ACS Chemical Neuroscience Journal, is devoted to different dimensions of cognitive enhancement and reviews examples of various cognit…
By registered users: 27
Brain Hacking
Lana Olley
Mysterious Squares
Surely at school, university or on the Internet you have heard about the “Greek-Latin squares”, the creator of which was the Indian mathematician Sharadchandra Shankar Srikhande. Let’s look at them and the origins of his discovery. This problem was origi…
By registered users: 6
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
Creating your first Mental Map
A mental map is a first-person perspective of an area and how they interact with it. An easy example would be the image you have of your neighborhood. Your mental map of where you live allows you to know how to get to your favorite coffee shop. It is what…
By registered users: 33
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
Brain Hacking Technology is about to be released by Elon Musk
Elon Musk stated that updates regarding his neural lace, which is meant to augment the human mind, are coming next month. In October, Bryan Johnson announced a $100 million investment to put computers in our brains. And so, a race is on to hack human inte…
By registered users: 8
Brain Hacking
Alexis Suarez
Extending Human Capabilities through Information Technology Applications and Infrastructures
Publication Expanding Human Capabilities through Information Technology Applications and Infrastructures Numerous examinations investigate the manners by which data innovation can achieve enhancements in individuals’ lives by considering parts of how i…
By registered users: 3
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
Innovations can make brain hacking real
Your thoughts are your own, right? Perhaps not. New technology is bringing that day closer when the unscrupulous may actually be able to hack human thoughts. It raises a number of new ethical concerns for this brave new world we’re entering with each rot…
By registered users: 3
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
Device to Have A Psychedelic Experience [No Drugs]
Virtual Reality tech had to branch out into the world of psychedelics sooner or later. A hallucination machine developed by a British university makes it possible to trip out without taking illegal drugs. Instead of experimenting with LSD and magic mushr…
By registered users: 18
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
New Diet Backed by Science
Based on more or less scientific foundations, the new died dubbed “Biohacking” claims you can change the way your body works through long periods of fasting. To put it simply, you should stop eating 36 hours a week and even fast for up to 3 consecutive da…
By registered users: 2
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
How Psychedelics can alter your perception
Everything we do is for the purpose of altering consciousness. We form friendships so that we can feel certain emotions, like love, and avoid others, like loneliness. We eat specific foods to enjoy their fleeting presence on our tongues. We read for the p…
By registered users: 18
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
You can actually erase memories from your brain
There’s an old saying in neuroscience: “neurons that fire together wire together.” This means the more you run a neuro-circuit in your brain, the stronger that circuit becomes. This is why, to quote another old saw, “practice makes perfect”. The more you…
By registered users: 16
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
Do Binaural Beats work?
Have you heard about the remarkable progress Binaural Beats can bring to your meditation? Perhaps you read how they can help with astral projection and lucid dreaming. Have you been searching around, and wondered if anything good is available for free on…
By registered users: 29
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
You can grow new brain cells to become smarter
For many years the established dogma was that the adult brain couldn’t create any new brain cells. That is, it was thought that you were born with a particular number of brain cells, and that was it. And since you naturally lose brain cells as you age, af…
By registered users: 56
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
Best 10 tips to become smarter
1. Smart drugs 2. Food for thought 3. The Mozart effect 4. Gainful employment 5. Memory marvels 6. Sleep on it 7. Body and mind 8. Nuns on a run 9. Attention seeking 10. Positive feedback —- It doesn’t matter how brainy you are or how much educ…
By registered users: 2
Brain Hacking
Demi Powell
Here is how Buddhist monks improve their memory
Since I started studying buddhist texts in a more thorough and general way I’ve been curious about the traditional methods of learning and pedagogics used by monks, and how efficient they might be. Certain practices may seem overly traditional, too slow …
By registered users: 76
Brain Hacking
Jerald Schwartz
Sacred Geometry: Mathematical Patterns Behind Nature, Body, Mind, and Spirit
What patterns do you see in your own life, or in the world that have symmetry and balance? Which ones are asymmetrical and out of balance? Noticing patterns helps us build on them if they are healthy, or break them if they are not healthy. The flux betwe…
By registered users: 44
Brain Hacking
Marian Yates
Chaos — a Mathematical Adventure. Full movie
It is a film about dynamical systems, the butterfly effect and chaos theory, intended for a wide audience. From Jos Leys, Étienne Ghys and Aurélien Alvarez, the makers of Dimensions, comes CHAOS, a math movie with nine 13-minute chapters. Watch all nine…
By registered users: 54
Brain Hacking
Sonja Harrison
Tarot Mythology: The Surprising Origins of the World's Most Misunderstood Cards
The Empress. The Hanged Man. The Chariot. Judgment. With their centuries-old iconography blending a mix of ancient symbols, religious allegories, and historic events, tarot cards can seem purposefully opaque. To outsiders and skeptics, occult practices li…
By registered users: 31
Brain Hacking
Tommy Strickland
Brain Training Exercises Just Make You Better at Brain Training Exercises
If you spend time building your physical strength and stamina in the gym, you can expect to carry these benefits into everyday life. It will be easier for you to lug heavy shopping bags around or run for the bus. You will likely reduce your chances of dev…
By registered users: 11