From Employed to Self-employed

Meera Shah
Core Spirit member since Jul 1, 2021
3m read
·Jul 4, 2021

Have you ever sat with your head in your hands and thought, ‘I don’t know if I can do this any-more’. It’s Sunday evening and the thought of another week at your job filled with politics, stress, deadlines, long hours and unnecessary meetings fills you with dread. For some, it even has started impacting their health.
If you have then you are not alone. More and more people are feeling this way and asking them-selves ‘is it worth it’. Plenty are craving more meaning and freedom in their lives. However you feel torn between the stability of a job and a steady income compared to an unknown world you dream of and fear at the same time. Your heart desperately wants something different but your head is going – ‘we can’t give up this stability. It’s scary out there’.
This was me for many years until I got the nudge I needed from the universe to finally stop working and step out of the corporate world. Somewhere along the line, I had outgrown my corporate career and had been unhappy for a long time.
It is a certainly a scary step to take and not one that most people take lightly, or quickly (unless pushed into it). The voice of the head (don’t do it) gets louder every-time you think of it. I was lucky that I got the universal nudge, however I have been in and out of this situation several times.

Here are some things I wish I had known or remembered as I made that decision:
1) As one door closes, another opens up. I’m sure we have all heard this saying. It really is one to remember when navigating through this decision. And remember that the new door has to be equal or better than the last door. It’s not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN. Have faith - the universe has your back.
2) It takes time. There are few people who have been able to leave a job and jump into a consulting contract or a new business venture that’s profitable straight away. Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that it took them some time to get their business going. The first year is normally the hardest – so make sure you give yourself enough time to make it a success.
3) It needs your full commitment. If you do it half-heartedly then those are the results you will get. Put your heart and soul into it if you can. And give it the time and commitment and nurture it needs. The truth is that is also takes some time for your self-belief and confidence to catch up to this new dream. And like anything new, things take some time. However if you persevere, then eventually so many doors open up that you hadn’t even thought of - as does your creativity.
4) Be you! When I first started out, I wanted to copy what others that were successful were doing. However, it didn’t sit right with me. It was only when I truly starting sharing my thoughts and my ideas and vision that it started to feel really good. Research what others are doing by all means, but then come and be you. You are unique and it will work as it will have your unique frequency and vibration all over it. And please do NOT read or listen to all the negative media out there.
5) And here’s the main thing that I wish I had known earlier:
Yes it takes time, faith and a lot of resilience. But when it does work out (and it always does), IT IS ALL COMPLETELY WORTH IT. You feel so free, amazing and energised. Would I do it all over again? 100% I WOULD.

It really is a good time to start a business more than ever before (I’ll be shortly writing an article explaining why). There is a big trend where more and more people are starting their own businesses, do not be scared to join that trend: “Almost 50% more businesses were created in June 2020 than in June 2019, according to the Centre for Entrepreneurs.”
There are multiple ways to do it: A sabbatical, part time or full time (if things don’t work out, you could always go back to a job). Look at your individual circumstances, your risk for appetite and how much commitment you are willing to put in.

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