Can ANXIETY disorder be managed with Bach Flower Therapy?

Can ANXIETY disorder be managed with Bach Flower Therapy?

Anxiety is a very common disorder in modern society.
It can affect young and older people and it can be highly distressing.

There are several types of anxieties:

  • General anxiety,
  • Social anxiety,
  • Performance anxiety,
  • Fear of specific places or situations, which can lead then to panic attacks.

We all know that anxiety, negative thoughts, or emotions can affect our mood, our everyday life, and even our physical health.
But what can we do to manage it then?
I could have used the word 'treat' or 'cure' instead of 'manage', but I specifically used 'manage' because usually once you realize that you have an anxiety disorder (unless is a short-lived episode due to a particular stressful circumstance ), you need to understand that you are not necessarily going to get rid of the anxiety, but instead you are going to learn how to MANAGE it. And if you get to the point where you master that strategy really well, every time anxiety is triggering you, the outcome at the end will look very much like you 'cured' your anxiety.
The first step is to work on acceptance:
‘Ok, I have an anxiety disorder and so what?
I can learn how to manage it.’

But how?
Thankfully there are many tools and strategies out there that can be used to control the level of stress and anxiety in our daily life.
Because every person is unique, with different needs and predispositions, you simply need to find the right tool and strategy that work best for you.

One of these tools that I found extremely helpful and consistent over the years is BACH FLOWERS THERAPY.
I have used it for myself, to help my clients, friends, family members, and even pets!
It's my number one tool where I always go back every time I'm going through a rough time, and it never lets me down.
It's a tool that you can learn how to use on your own, or you can go to a specialized Bach Flower practitioner who will select for you the right mix of Bach Flower remedies for your specific emotions.
Bach Flower remedies are generally much more popular in Europe, ( the founder, Dr. Edward Bach, was from England).
The remedies were discovered by Dr. Bach, between 1931 and 1935.
They have been around for almost a century!
There are 38 Bach Flower remedies in total, plus the Rescue Remedy, also known as the 39th remedy.
Each of them treats a specific negative emotion, and they can be mixed based on the individual emotional needs of that moment.
They are plant-based remedies, alcohol preserved, and completely safe to take.
They are supposed to be taken a minimum of 4 times per day (or more), 4 drops each time, for as long as it feels they are helping.
A 30 ml. remedy mix bottle usually lasts about 3 weeks.

What's interesting to me is that usually the person in need initially will start taking the Bach flower remedy mix diligently as advised, but then all of the sudden will spontaneously start forgetting to take it.
That's when you know that the remedy mix worked and it's no longer needed.
It's a gentle, and effective therapy to bring emotions back to balance.
If you want to avoid conventional drugs to treat your anxiety disorder and want to try a more natural, holistic approach give a try to Bach Flower Therapy.

It might not work for everybody, but it worked for me and that's how I ended up deciding to become a Bach Flower practitioner because I wanted to share this precious tool and help other people.
I am proud to be a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner.

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I never heard anything about these Bach flowers before. Anxiety is something Africans have not regarded as something that warrants a given time. Herbs and herbalists are what we in Africa is used to for centuries and they deliver.

I’m glad you found it interesting. Many people are not familiar with Bach Flower Therspy . I hope one day you will give it a try’ 😉

Afsheen Shah2y ago

I am not familiar with Bach Flower. Thank you for the interesting read.

Bach flower therapy
Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
Bach flower therapy
Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
Gluten-free Diet
Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP