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$70 USD

After the initital BF consultation a personalized remedy mix is taken over the following 3 weeks.

After that time, a client may choose to come back for a follow-up session to review the remedies and to see if any additional remedy is required.
( follow-up remedy mix included - US residents only).

Follow ups consultations are 30-45 minutes long.

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Brooklyn, NY, USA

Iosè is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, a Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner and a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner.
She believes in food as medicine and in managing stress to prevent illness in general.
Iosè offers Bach Flower consultations to help manage any form of stress and emotional imbalances.
Iosè also offers holistic nutrition consultations specific for gluten-free diets.

On Core Spirit since April 2020

Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
Contemplating the END OF LIFE: how will I die?
Have you ever wondered how your life will end?

I don't usually think about death, but lately, I have been pondering this question. I have witnessed older relatives, who have been a part of my entire life, as well as some distant friends who have passed away due to incurable diseases or accidents.
These experiences have led me to reflect on my mortality and to consider how I want to live my remaining years.

I am not afraid of death, but I am curious about what lies beyond.

One particular story made me think and wonder about death: a not-too-close friend from when I was a teenager suddenly and tragically lost his life while body rafting. He was always very adventurous, loved nature, and had a special connection with rocks and mountains.
He taught me how to rock climb.

While I was of course very saddened by the news of his death, I also found some comfort in knowing that he died doing what he loved most: being outdoors in nature, climbing rocks. He didn't have to suffer through a long and painful illness, and he died doing something that brought him joy.

He lived a life that was true to himself.

We often delude ourselves into thinking that we are in control of everything and that we have endless time. But the truth is, we are all mortal, and our time on this earth is limited. We spend too much time complaining, taking everything for granted and wasting precious time.
We need to wake up and realize that life is short and that we should make the most of it.

Death can arrive suddenly, and we have no control over when it will happen. I wonder about the exact moment when life is ebbing away, the few seconds before, during, and after. Will I be conscious at that moment?

And where will I go?

These are questions that philosophers and theologians have pondered for centuries.
There is no easy answer, and it is ultimately a mystery to all of us.

However, I find it difficult to believe that death is the end of everything. After all, we are energy, intangible energy, and we are always connected.
Now that we have embraced the reality of the multiverse, I am more convinced that our life on earth is just one of many lives that exist simultaneously elsewhere.
Perhaps our consciousness transitions to another universe after death, or perhaps a new form of life is created each time one ends.

Whatever happens after death, I believe that it is something beautiful and mysterious. I am grateful for the opportunity to experience this life, and I look forward to whatever comes next.

Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
Elderberry: The Immune-Boosting Superfood You Need to Add to Your Diet
Can a simple flowery shrub like the wild black elderberry be so naturally powerful and have so many health benefits?

Elderberry is indeed one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in the world, a traditional well-known natural remedy for colds and the flu.

Its botanical name is Sambucus nigra.

It originates in Europe and later naturalized in areas of North America, especially the Northeast.

It has a long history of use to treat health conditions.

In 400 B.C., Hippocrates, the Greek physician known as “the Father of Medicine,” referred to the elderberry shrub as his “medicine chest.”

The Sambucus nigra variety is the most common type of elderberry, also known as European elderberry or black elderberry.

The berries are usually gathered and made into elderberry wine, jam, syrup, supplements, and pies.

Elderberries are high in vitamin C and are rich in antioxidants, which can help lower inflammation, treat colds and the flu, as well as cholesterol and blood pressure.

Our kitchen counter always has a bottle of elderberry syrup on it in the winter.

We all take a tablespoon of it as soon as we feel under the weather.

It's our secret weapon against colds.

I like to think of elderberry syrup as the same "magic medicine" that Mary Poppins used to give to the kids while singing "A Spoonful of Sugar".

It is quite sweet and delicious, and my kids not only don't mind taking it, but they actually look forward to it!

The only downside to keep in mind:

In certain areas, elderberry shrubs can be invasive, which is a minor thing, while a big FLAG goes up for raw elderberries.

** Elderberries MUST NOT be consumed raw because they are poisonous. **

Elderberry leaves, stems, and seeds contain a cyanogenic glycoside called sambunigrin, which is poisonous when raw.

Fortunately, cooking elderberries destroys the sambunigrin, making them safe to eat.

When cooking elderberries, it is important to heat them to at least 190 degrees Fahrenheit (88 degrees Celsius) for at least 10 minutes.

This will ensure that the sambunigrin is completely destroyed.

Make a good habit to keep a bottle of elderberry syrup in your pantry available for use for the entire family.

Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP

Stress and anxiety got you down? Try a furry friend!

We have many strategies and tools at our disposal to manage stress and anxiety. I have written several articles on this subject, mentioning various tools such as Bach Flower therapy, meditation, walking, and deep breathing. These are all valuable tools, but we often overlook or underestimate the powerful therapeutic effect of pets.
Cats, in particular, can have a calming effect on humans.
Stroking a cat, can have an immediate calming effect on the nervous system.

In this article, I want to discuss the positive effects of owning a cat.
Why a cat and not a dog?
Simply because we have learned much more about dogs and their behavior in the past centuries, and how to train them. As a result, we tend to put dogs on a pedestal, leaving out cats and their merits.
I believe that contact with cats offers many of the same therapeutic benefits as contact with dogs.

*A paper published in ScienceDirect found that cats can have both psychological and physical benefits for their owners. The presence of cats, their purring, and their soft and warm fur can relieve stress and have a calming effect. Stress and anxiety are considered to be contributory factors to cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that pet owners have significantly lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels than non-pet owners.
In other words, owning a cat may help to protect your heart health.
Loneliness is likely a precursor for anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. There is some evidence that pet ownership may protect children and youth from loneliness and social isolation, and therefore may help to prevent depression.

Do you remember that day when you were feeling down?
You came home and threw yourself on the couch.
Who immediately came to the rescue?
Your cat!
Your cat looked into your eyes, started purring, rubbed against your face to get your scent, and left their scent on you. They even kneaded on your chest or belly before curling up next to you for a cozy nap. Cats can sense our emotions. They know when we are sick, happy, or sad, and they will adjust their behavior accordingly.

While it may be true that it is easier to read a dog's body language, cats are not as difficult to understand as some people believe. Pay attention to their ears. Flat ears are a sign of fear or aggression, while perked ears are a sign of interest or curiosity. Look at their tail. A high, swishing tail is a sign of excitement or happiness, while a low, tucked tail is a sign of fear or submission. Observe their body posture. A relaxed cat will have a loose, floppy body posture, while a tense cat will have a hunched or arched back.

If you are feeling down, take some time to relax with your cats. Pet them gently, talk to them in a soothing voice, or even just sit in the same room with them. You may be surprised at how much it helps to calm you down and make you feel better.
I am so grateful for my two cats, one shy and timid, the other bold and adventurous.
They bring me so much joy.

If you have a cat, be grateful for their companionship. They are truly special creatures.

Oh, did I mention that the other morning, one of my cats woke me up at 6 AM because he was moving erratically on my side of the bed?
I knew something was up. I turned on the light and there it was: a cockroach! He had caught it and brought it to me to show off his hunting skills.

Yes, cats are good at that too—it's a bonus!



Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
The ADHD Epidemic: Are We Losing Our Focus?
Can't focus when studying?
You're not alone!
Many people find it difficult to maintain active focus for an extended period of time when studying. This is especially true for teenagers from the Zoomer or Alpha generations who have grown up with smart technology at their fingertips.

The introduction of smart technology in the past 20 years, which is now ubiquitous in our lives, has drastically changed the way we live and interact with each other.
While this has made many aspects of our lives easier, it has also led to the loss of some important things, such as our connection to reality and the present moment.

I have two teenage boys.
When I watch them try to do their homework, I can sense their frustration and inability to stay focused for more than 10 minutes at a time, due to the inevitable bombardment of notifications and distractions from their devices.
It would be easy to say to keep your phone in another room or turn it off, but they need their devices for homework, staying in touch with classmates, plus all the information they have available on the internet, the Google engine, Google Classroom, and now the AI, can be quite overwhelming.

Although I may sound ancient (I'm not), as a teenager I grew up without computers or cell phones. We only had notebooks and books to study from. Technology is constantly evolving at a rapid pace, reshaping our lives and daily habits.

Today, staying focused and avoiding distractions requires a lot of effort and self-discipline, even for adults. But it's even more difficult for teenagers, who are already more prone to distraction due to their developmental stage.

Imagine being a teenager with ADD or ADHD, with your brain constantly bombarded by notifications and distractions from smart technology.
It's like a rock concert in your head, all day and all night long!

Before resorting to prescription drugs for attention disorder, consider natural therapies such as behavioral therapy, Bach flower therapy, Homeopathic remedies, and Mindful Meditation.
Based on my personal experience and holistic practice, I have found Bach flower therapy and guided meditation to be especially useful for improving attention and focus, along with a healthy sleep pattern and good nutrition.
These therapies can help to calm the mind, reduce distractions, and increase concentration.
There are also meditation apps and YouTube videos with music to help you stay focused.

Don't let your devices distract you!

Turn on Focus mode to silence notifications and boost your focus.

You'll be amazed at how much more productive you can be.

Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
BREAKFAST: The Most Important Meal of the Day for Kids
With summer vacations over and kids back to school, let's discuss the importance of healthy eating, especially at breakfast time.

Glucose is the body's main source of energy. When we sleep, our bodies use up the glucose that we have stored from the previous day.
Eating breakfast in the morning helps to replace this glucose and gives us the energy we need to start our day off right.
Kids who skip breakfast are more likely to be irritable, moody, and have difficulty concentrating.

A healthy breakfast is essential for kids' learning, especially during school hours. It provides them with the nutrients, energy, and focus they need to succeed in the classroom.
Studies have shown that kids who eat breakfast perform better on cognitive tasks, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving.
If kids rely mostly on processed or junk food and skip breakfast, they will likely have difficulty concentrating, they might feel tired and sluggish, be malnourished, and experience mood swings and emotional problems.

I understand that mornings can be chaotic, especially in large families, but with a little planning, it's possible to have a healthy breakfast before leaving the house.

The keys to a successful morning breakfast include:

  • Planning ahead and discuss options with your kids.
  • Shopping for ingredients and gathering all the ingredients, pots, plates, and utensils you need the night before

I know that a bowl of cereal with milk is a quick and easy breakfast option, but unfortunately, many store-bought cereals are ultra-processed and high in sugar. If you're short on time or not in the mood to cook, try choosing a healthier cereal option with less processing and sugar.

A healthy breakfast should include a variety of nutrient-rich foods, ideally with a protein base, such as eggs. Protein helps build muscles and keeps kids feeling full and satisfied, which can help them avoid reaching for empty calories throughout the morning.
If your kids aren't egg fans, choose whole-grain cereals instead. Whole grains are healthier than refined grains because they're packed with fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Pancakes are a good breakfast option because they can be made ahead of time (even frozen) and reheated in the morning, and they can contain both eggs and whole wheat flour.

Help your kids grow in a healthy way!

Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
What toxins are we exposed to every day without even realizing it?

"What doesn’t kill you makes you strong!"

It might be true in some cases, but certainly it does not apply to every aspect of life, especially health.

Our fast-paced modern society often leads us to adopt a quick-fix attitude towards health, disease, symptoms, and cures. This can lead to superficial solutions that don't address the underlying causes of our problems.

Most people underestimate the potential long-term health risks of processed foods, dietary habits, and toxins, even when they are warned about them. This is because these health risks are often not immediate, and people tend to focus on the present more than the future.

We can spend years or even decades accumulating toxins in our bodies from processed foods or the environment without taking precautions, often because we are young and healthy.

By the time we notice the damage, it may be too late.

Negligent and careless attitudes towards health can have a high price. When health problems arise later, many of them related to the endocrine system, infertility, and neurological disorders, we fail to connect the dots, even when all the evidence is there.

Lately I have been increasingly concerned about the unnecessary and constant exposure to endocrine disruptors in food stickers, which are present on produce in every supermarket in the USA.

Did you know that many food stickers contain dangerous endocrine disruptors such as BPA and BPS, as well as other toxic chemicals?

These toxins are everywhere, not only on food produce but also on receipts from groceries, prescriptions, gas, clothing, and restaurant meals.

These receipts are normally printed on thermal paper, which is coated with either Bisphenol-A (BPA) or its chemical cousin Bisphenol-S (BPS).

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used to make plastics. It can enter our bodies through ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact.
Studies have shown that BPA can be absorbed through the skin and end up in the bloodstream after handling receipt paper for just a few seconds or minutes.

This is very alarming.

Most European countries have banned thermal paper and food stickers on most products, but the US has not taken similar precautions.

This is a serious issue, especially for growing children and young women who wish to become pregnant.

I was so shocked by the lack of serious regulation on thermal paper and produce stickers that I started a petition to urge the FDA to take action.

You can find the petition, and sign if you wish, "Say NO to thermal receipts and produce stickers!".

In the meantime, handle receipts as little as possible and go paperless whenever possible by asking for e-receipts instead.

Be your own health advocate.

Stay informed and honor your precious body!

Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
STRESS: The Enemy of Your Physical and Mental Health - How to beat it

If you want to stay healthy, besides many lifestyle changes you might want to make in your life, the number one change that can have an enormous impact on a physical and mental level is learning how to manage stress.
It's as simple as that.

In an article published in the Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, they mention studies that have shown that short-term stress might boost the immune system, while chronic stress has a significant effect on the immune system that ultimately manifests an illness.
Interesting fact (also scary): emotional stress is a major contributing factor to the six leading causes of death in the United States: cancer, coronary heart disease, accidental injuries, respiratory disorders, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
The relationship between stress and illness is complex.
Mainly because the susceptibility to stress varies from person to person.

The first step to managing stress is to identify what causes you stress. Once you know what your stressors are, you can start to develop strategies for dealing with them.

Stress can be caused by anything, from everyday demands to major life events. While a little stress can be motivating as I mentioned before, too much can be harmful to your health.
It can lead to headaches, stomachaches, muscle tension, and trouble sleeping. It can also make you more likely to get sick.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by stress, there are steps you can take to manage it.
Here are some tips on how to manage stress and improve your health.

For immediate relief from stress, you might try to:

  • Take a few deep breaths (this is my favorite tool because it is very effective and gives some degree of immediate relief)
  • Go for a walk
  • Listen to music
  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Take a nap

For more intense and/or chronic stress in your life:

  • Make time for relaxation. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help you reduce stress levels.
  • Get regular exercise. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.
  • Eat a healthy diet. What you eat can have a big impact on your mood and energy levels.
  • Get enough sleep. When you're well-rested, you're better able to cope with stress.
  • Talk to someone. If you're feeling overwhelmed it can be helpful to talk to a friend, family member, or therapist.
  • Set realistic goals
  • Learn to say no
  • Take breaks
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol

You can apply some or all of those tips, depending on your personality and the stress level you are experiencing.
And please DON'T GET STRESSED if you can't find the time to apply all those tips at the beginning of your lifestyle-change journey.
Start with one or two tips.
Stress management is an ongoing process. It requires practice and discipline.
There will be times when you feel stressed, even if you're following these tips. But by learning how to manage stress effectively, you can improve your physical and mental health, reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases, and live a happier and healthier life.


Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
THE PRONOUN REVOLUTION: Are We Fighting for Progress or Just Getting Too Complicated?

I was born before the introduction of gender-neutral pronouns, so I understand the confusion that many people feel about them. The pronouns you learned at school were "she/her/hers," "he/him/his," and the plural "they/their," which was used to refer to a group of people.
Nowadays, gender-neutral pronouns (also known as neopronouns) are becoming more common. These pronouns are used to identify ourselves and others without specifically using given names, and they do not specify a person's gender.

Here is a list of some of the most common gender-neutral pronouns:
• They, them, theirs
• Ze/zir/zirs
• Sie/hir/hirs
• E/em/eir
• Xe/xem/xyr
• Tey/ter/tem
• Mx

Recently, I went to a yoga class, and the teacher introduced herself with her name and specified that she identifies as she/her. After class, I left the studio a bit puzzled, wondering if it was really necessary for her to inform me or anyone else in the room about her gender before starting class. Would knowing that she identifies as she/her or with any other pronoun have changed the experience of the yoga class?
Absolutely not.

There are many situations where I don't see the point of specifying someone's sexual orientation, gender identity, or non-gender. Virtual Zoom meetings are another example. Why can't I just learn your name without being informed about if you identify as he/him, she/her, they/them, or something else?
Are we maybe pushing a bit too much with these gender pronouns?

In my opinion, it's important to be respectful of people's pronouns, but we don't need to go overboard. If someone tells you their pronouns, simply use them. And if you're not sure what pronouns to use, just ask. It's always better to ask than to make an assumption.
I wouldn't be surprised if sometime soon the most common question used when you introduce yourself to someone for the first time, "What's your name?", will be replaced with an alternative gender-neutral question such as “What’s your pronoun?”.
I have absolutely nothing against the introduction of new pronouns to be more inclusive, however, exasperating the use of these new pronouns doesn't help, especially not with older people.
I can't even imagine starting this conversation with older people and explaining neopronouns to them.
The problem here, I think, goes back to the basic human need to constantly categorize and label everything, including people.
We like to complicate things when they could be much simpler.
We should all strive to be more inclusive and respectful of people's identities, but we don't need to make things more complicated than they need to be.

Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
The Benefits of Kindness and Gratitude: The Secret to a Happy Life

We live in a world where many people believe that being kind and grateful is a sign of weakness.
They may criticize Millennials, who are often seen as being too sensitive.
While I agree that there is a limit to how sensitive we should be, and that we should not be offended by every little thing,
being kind and grateful is a different matter.

I believe that kindness and gratitude are two of the most important qualities that a person can have.
Being kind is not about being weak or letting people walk all over you. It’s about doing something nice for someone else, without expecting anything in return. It’s about being kind to others and to yourself. A simple gesture such as holding the door open for someone or give someone a compliment.
Gratitude can help you to appreciate the simple things in your life that we often take for granted. When you are grateful, you are choosing to focus on the positive aspects of your life. This can help you to feel happier and more optimistic.

Both kindness and gratitude have been shown to have also numerous health benefits for both the giver and the receiver: they can reduce stress, improve mood, promote better sleep and even boost the immune system.

In a world that is often filled with hatred and bitterness, especially in social media interactions, I truly believe that if everyone was just a little bit kinder to each other, the world would be a much more peaceful and enjoyable place to live in.

I often find myself observing people when I take the subway in the morning. While most, if not all, are usually self absorbed in their own world with their eyes glued on their phones, the ones who are not, sometimes look ‘upset’ or ready to ‘attack’, as if everyone on the train is an enemy.
Sure, the subway is not always the safest place to be on earth, you need to be aware of your surroundings, but I see this even when I walk to an office or go to do the grocery shopping.

I remember listening to a song back when I was a teenager and still living in Italy, which caught my attention and it stayed with me since. The title of the song was: *“GENTILMENTE” *
There are many benefits to being kind. When you do something nice for someone else, it releases endorphins in your brain that make you feel happy. Kindness can also improve your relationships with others. When you are kind, you are choosing to see the good in people, you make people feel loved and appreciated, like they matter.
When people see that you are a kind and considerate person, they are more likely to want to be around you.

If you are looking for a way to improve your life, start being kinder to others. It is a simple act that can have a big impact.

Here are some ideas for practicing kindness and gratitude:

  • Meditate: Meditation can help you to focus on the present moment and to appreciate the good in your life.
  • Write in a journal: Writing in a journal can help you to track your gratitude and to reflect on the good things in your life.
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line (especially elderly people). This is a simple act of kindness that can make a big difference.
  • Donate to a charity: This is a great way to show your gratitude and to help others.
  • Make sure you wear a smile on your face on most days.
  • Say "thank you" or write a letter of gratitude to someone who has done something nice for you.
    This is a simple but effective way to show your appreciation.

Kindness is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Next time you go out, give it a try and and see how it makes you feel.

Iose Cocuzza, BCHN®, CGP, BFRP
Can ANXIETY disorder be managed with Bach Flower Therapy?

Anxiety is a very common disorder in modern society.
It can affect young and older people and it can be highly distressing.

There are several types of anxieties:

  • General anxiety,
  • Social anxiety,
  • Performance anxiety,
  • Fear of specific places or situations, which can lead then to panic attacks.

We all know that anxiety, negative thoughts, or emotions can affect our mood, our everyday life, and even our physical health.
But what can we do to manage it then?
I could have used the word 'treat' or 'cure' instead of 'manage', but I specifically used 'manage' because usually once you realize that you have an anxiety disorder (unless is a short-lived episode due to a particular stressful circumstance ), you need to understand that you are not necessarily going to get rid of the anxiety, but instead you are going to learn how to MANAGE it. And if you get to the point where you master that strategy really well, every time anxiety is triggering you, the outcome at the end will look very much like you 'cured' your anxiety.
The first step is to work on acceptance:
‘Ok, I have an anxiety disorder and so what?
I can learn how to manage it.’

But how?
Thankfully there are many tools and strategies out there that can be used to control the level of stress and anxiety in our daily life.
Because every person is unique, with different needs and predispositions, you simply need to find the right tool and strategy that work best for you.

One of these tools that I found extremely helpful and consistent over the years is BACH FLOWERS THERAPY.
I have used it for myself, to help my clients, friends, family members, and even pets!
It's my number one tool where I always go back every time I'm going through a rough time, and it never lets me down.
It's a tool that you can learn how to use on your own, or you can go to a specialized Bach Flower practitioner who will select for you the right mix of Bach Flower remedies for your specific emotions.
Bach Flower remedies are generally much more popular in Europe, ( the founder, Dr. Edward Bach, was from England).
The remedies were discovered by Dr. Bach, between 1931 and 1935.
They have been around for almost a century!
There are 38 Bach Flower remedies in total, plus the Rescue Remedy, also known as the 39th remedy.
Each of them treats a specific negative emotion, and they can be mixed based on the individual emotional needs of that moment.
They are plant-based remedies, alcohol preserved, and completely safe to take.
They are supposed to be taken a minimum of 4 times per day (or more), 4 drops each time, for as long as it feels they are helping.
A 30 ml. remedy mix bottle usually lasts about 3 weeks.

What's interesting to me is that usually the person in need initially will start taking the Bach flower remedy mix diligently as advised, but then all of the sudden will spontaneously start forgetting to take it.
That's when you know that the remedy mix worked and it's no longer needed.
It's a gentle, and effective therapy to bring emotions back to balance.
If you want to avoid conventional drugs to treat your anxiety disorder and want to try a more natural, holistic approach give a try to Bach Flower Therapy.

It might not work for everybody, but it worked for me and that's how I ended up deciding to become a Bach Flower practitioner because I wanted to share this precious tool and help other people.
I am proud to be a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner.

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Feel free to reach out with any questions. Love, Sara

All healing sessions are non refundable.
If you need to change the time of the healing please try to do so at least 24 hours prior.

Legal Disclaimer:

This session does not replace medical care for a medical condition. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical issue. Please see a licensed medical professional or doctor for health concerns.

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  • Do you feel like you’re drifting through life on auto-pilot?
  • Are you constantly stressed and anxious?
  • Is communication always a struggle?
  • Do you feel run down with no energy?
  • Are you constantly questioning your decisions?
    These are all symptoms of blocked chakras

Here’s what’s possible when you learn to balance your chakras…

  • Create a positive attitude that attracts joy into your life.
  • Feel more energized and driven.
  • Connect to your purpose and live with a deep sense of fulfillment.
  • Ignite your creativity and motivation.

What if I told you everything you needed to live your best life was already within you?

Each chakra can be correlated to everything from physical pain and discomfort in the body, to our relationships with others, emotional wellbeing, and our sense of purpose. Balancing our chakras ensures that our energy is flowing smoothly, and brings a sense of calm and peace into our lives.

This course includes a 60 min Yoga practice for balancing each Chakra and also 15-20 min meditation to connect with the Chakra at the energy level. All these videos are part of this course and you have access to them for lifetime once you sign up for the course.

Day 1 : Root Chakra
When the Root Chakra energy is vibrant and flowing well, we have a great connection to the earth and feel reassured.We are not struggling to feel safe and secure. We just are! This Chakra and energy governs our survival and stability, controlling fight or flight responses.

Day 2 : Sacral Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our emotions. It is linked to our feelings, creativity, sensuality, and sexuality. When this energy is vibrant, we embrace and enjoy life .We can easily let go of situations without excessive dwelling, and we can express ourselves without being selfish or cruel. We tend to ooze happiness and find joy everywhere!

Day 3 : Solar Plexus Chakra
This Chakra and energy is all about your personal power and how much of your life you take accountability for. When this energy is vibrant and flowing well, we are confidently decisive but still able to enjoy the spirit of spontaneity. We have a strong sense of purpose combined with healthy self-esteem. When it is out of balance, you may feel out of touch with the fire within you.

Day 4 : Heart Chakra
This Chakra energy plays a significant role in attaining overall energetic balance. It relates to our ability to give and receive love. It circulates our emotional energy and governs our empathy, ability to forgive, compassion, divine love, and how we process grief. Without your heart Chakra being open, love cannot and will not prevail.

Day 5 : Throat Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our communication and creativity and is linked to our independence, use of language and ability to speak our truth. Not being able to freely communicate or express your thoughts and opinions will cause this Chakra to fall out of balance

Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our intuition, thoughts, and imagination, resulting in our ability to self-reflect and have a vision. When this energy is balanced, we have clarity of mind and great focus. We’re able to accept and live our truth. We are not easily distracted.

Day 7 : Crown Chakra
This Chakra and energy is linked to spiritual awareness, presence of true mindfulness and universal unity. When in balance, we are open to knowledge and the wisdom of others and are living our best, most fulfilled, and peaceful life.


  • Video on various meditation postures and breathing techniques
  • Chakra Balancing Manual
By registered users: 28
Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Dr June Williams DmedTh
May 8, 2024, 10:30
Light Body - Total Weight Loss Program


During the initial consultation for the Light Body program, we'll delve into a holistic approach aimed at helping you achieve weight loss without resorting to traditional diets. We'll explore how this program can support your weight loss journey emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, emphasizing a more profound understanding of your body and its needs. Through this comprehensive approach, you can attain lasting, sustainable results while nurturing your overall well-being and personal growth

Target audience

All adults looking to lose weight and adopt a holistic outlook


Insight into your weight issue
Emotionally stable
Mentally Able


Initial consultation to discuss a tailored weight loss program

Other comments

By registered users: 92
Life Coaching
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 9, 2024, 04:00
Breakthrough Coaching Session (Relationships, Self-love, Self-Confidence)

Coaching with me is a transformational experience, which brings forth tangible results and significant changes in every single area of your life.

The areas I can help you with include, but are not limited to

✔️ gaining clarity in your values, priorities and life purpose

✔️ cultivating self-awareness, self-confidence and self-love

✔️ creating fulfilling and meaningful relationships (whether you are single, married or in a relationship)

✔️ performing to your highest potential, whether in Sports or in Business

✔️ taking your career/business to the next level or transitioning into another career

✔️ identifying the patterns and beliefs, that are holding you back

✔️ work-life balance and setting healthy boundaries

✔️ conscious parenting

✔️ emotional, mental health and well-being

✔️ creating more joy, meaning and fulfillment in your life

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

By registered users: 32
Chakra Balancing
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 8, 2024, 08:00
Chakra Clearing & Healing

15 Chakras Clearing and Healing is done on-line

I will work with you either on a video call

I work with the beings of light, angels, your ancestors and the universal light energies.
Clearing, realinging and charging each charka individually.

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

By registered users: 21
Oracle Cards Reading
Elaine Snyder
May 8, 2024, 13:00
Oracle Card Reading

Receive guidance about current life circumstances through an Oracle card reading. Using a three-card spread to reveal an intuitive reading of your energy, ask a question and gain insight about what is happening in your past, present, and future. Learn whether or not your actions are in alignment with a desired outcome, what challenges are holding you back, who or what may be helping you along the way, and how to progress. This is an introduction to my card reading, and is perfect for discovering whether or not we are a good fit for continued work together.

By registered users: 24