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Tarot Empowerment Session

coaching session
$225 USD
$225 USD

There are times in life when we feel stuck; unsure; at a crossroads; not sure what to do next; doubting our choices. This is when a reading can really help. A good reading will give you the confidence, clarity and guidance you need to move forward with your life.

I have been reading the cards professionally for over 30 years. My sessions are fast paced, include reading your hands and your energy field. I expect a single session to give accurate guidance for at least 6 months to a year. They include coaching and practical advice where applicable and are recorded for you so you can refer back at your leisure.

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Tambopata, Puerto Maldonado 17001, Peru

A Hay House author with 30 years of client experience. My passion is to guide people in unlocking their purpose, creative talents and unique gifts. I am currently developing an eco community in the Peruvian Amazon where we hold retreats and shamanic training courses. I offer distant healing and space clearing. Online feng shui advice; In-depth personal readings and shamanic coaching.

On Core Spirit since December 2020

Life Coaching
New Moon in Virgo September 6/7th by Davina Mackail
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Once in a Blue Moon - Full Moon In Aquarius August 22nd 2021
Debate exists as to what constitutes a blue moon. Some say when two full moons occur within the same month. Others that the original rarity is when there are four full moons in a season as now. For added confusion it is the third full moon of the four t…
Lions Gate Portal & New Moon in Leo 08/08
New moon in Leo and Lion’s Gate Portal – Dream Big - it’s Manifesting Heaven! Coinciding with the peak of the so called ‘Lions Gate Portal’ this new moon is a manifesting dream come true. Dust off the passion projects hidden in the ‘one day’ folder. It…
New Moon in Cancer 2021 - Time for Radical Self Care
The theme of new moon in Cancer this July 9-10th is ‘home sweet home’. Aspecting all three outer planets, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, it’s a transformative new start. The burning question is what does ‘home’ mean to you? Family? The four walls you live wi…
Mundane Astrology
Capricorn Full Moon – See the Cup half Full
As the dreamy midsummer mists clear today’s full moon in Capricorn brings unexpected blessings. Following in the footsteps of the Sun/Jupiter trine this earthy moon is here to help us ground Jupiter’s expansive gifts into reality. Pipe dreams can be mad…
Other Divinations
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 11th 2021
**Mercurial flashes of Brilliance – Solar Eclipse New Moon in Gemini June 11th 2021 ** Our second eclipse lands June 11th in the airy sign of Gemini. It’s been a rough ride since the Lunar eclipse squeezed the shadows of our old programmes into conscious…
Magical Manifestation Portal - New Moon 12-13 January 2021
A magical manifestation portal opens for 2021 with the first new moon of the year between the 12th&amp;13th January (depending on your time zone). Landing in earthy Capricorn, symbolised by the sea goat, this moon calls for an extraordinary intention for …
Winter Solstice – Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn 2020
The Cosmic wheel is turning. As 2020, the year of ‘double judgment’ draws to a close we find ourselves poised on the Wheel of Fortune. Which way will the wheel spin? Where shall we place our bets? Right now, we simply don’t know. Global changes are symbol…

Practitioner Reviews

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Yes either via Skype or Zoom and is recorded for you:)

Anna Ginger3y ago

I can't understand myself...As if I stopped in one place. Tell me please, is the session online?

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Tarot Empowerment Session

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