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Shamanic Trauma Healing Session

healing session
English, Russian
$70 USD
$70 USD

Shamanic healing of trauma, that is most relevant and presents itself for healing at this time for you. This may include past life similar traumas, repeating karmic cycles, ancestral healing, so on and so forth.

Trauma is not always necessarily something so intense as an obvious single physical violent experience. It may be something, one has been brought up with, that seems to be quite normal and even plausible in todays's society. For example, having been brought up, where the "value" of a person is measured in terms of the amount of work done, suffering incurred or money manifested, may lead to workaholism, unhealthy martyrdom, emotional suppression and perpetual self-sacrifice, where one's value, as measured by external factors and other people's standards and expectations, is perpetually perceived as not enough. This is also trauma - the devaluation of one's worth, as a human being and tying it to particular externally measured factors. This may be a cause of addictions, depression, chronic fatigue, unhealthy relationships, chronic health problems and so forth.

Important: Healing trauma is a longer process than a one hour session, even if we do heal karmic history and other issues that present themselves. During a one hour session, we can heal the amount of issues that present themselves at that time. However, this healing can help you to move on and do more healing, realizations, reconsidering yourself and your life, and ultimately, becoming the healed you, who doesn't need to continuously act and react to things in life, as stipulated by traumatic damages. It is one step, but a step that will help you make more steps easier and more aware of yourself, your true value, true desires and true expression.

**Disclaimer: **I am not a licensed physician/mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

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I am a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, a spiritual fiction author, and an artist. I have seen my first past life when I was two years old, I have witnessed myself make the choice to incarnate in my current body, and I have been having various out-of-body spiritual experiences all my life. Finally, I could put it all together with European shamanic teachings and practices for myself. I offer you healing with the help of the soul world, nature, and the divinity, that is within us all.

On Core Spirit since December 2020

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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Writer's Block Shamanic Healing Session
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Shamanic Healing Session
During this session, we will focus on a particular question, problem or request that you may have. There are many approaches to how this session may go for you, depending on the healing you request and what issues come up as I tune into your energy, your…
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Akashic Records Reading and Healing
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Addictions: Shamanic Healing Session
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Shamanic Healing Art
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Heal to say "No"
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Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
Jul 30, 2024, 06:00
Shamanic Trauma Healing Session
Shamanic healing of trauma, that is most relevant and presents itself for healing at this time for you. This may include past life similar traumas, repeating karmic cycles, ancestral healing, so on and so forth. Trauma is not always necessarily something…

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