Pellowah Healing Energy – Radical Shift in Consciousness

Pellowah Healing Energy – Radical Shift in Consciousness

healing session

Pellowah is an angelic word meaning Radical Shift in Consciousness, but it is not an Angelic energy. Pellowah is very simply cosmic consciousness.

Unlike in traditional healing therapies, in Pellowah the practitioner does not heal, but simply holds a sacred space and dances with the cosmic energy in order to allow shifts in the client's consciousness to take place. All of this happens through the raising of the client's energy vibration. Like a glass that will break when the vibration matches, so our negative patterns will vanish as our vibration rises.

The results of this are extraordinary. Obstacles that seemed insurmountable vanish. Attitudes with which we struggled for so long disappear. Negative thoughts are simply replaced by positive.

Pellowah does not ask you to examine to your struggles, nor expect you to break them apart in order to heal them. Pellowah simply shows you a new path out and away from the struggle.

You begin to see new possibilities where previously you saw a dead end. Those old perspectives that had you stuck are seen clearly in the light for the first time and then you simply build a new perspective on life.

Of course this has an effect upon the physical world. Our world is a result of our perspective and if one changes, so too does the other.

It's time for you to open your world and see what else is out there for you. There is literally a whole world waiting for you. Let Pellowah introduce it to you.

In a Pellowah session you will lie down a comfortable couch and if you choose you can have an eye mask and ear plugs. This is to help you listen to your experience of Pellowah and not be distracted by outside interference.

The practitioner will then begin working with the Pellowah energy. What you feel is totally individual and is always right for you.

At the end of the session the practitioner will guide you to begin reflecting on the session.

Pellowah sessions can be given in person and distantly. They are equally as powerful and effective.

Pellowah sessions with healing crystals also available.

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My name is Christina. I am here to help you step into your light, awaken the divine within you and to help you to recall your star heritage. I want your light to shine as brightly as possible so that you can illuminate the path for you and others. I use a…

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Hello Joan, Thank you for your message. Pellowah works by changing the way we look at ourselves and the world. If we changed our outlook then everything around us appears to shift. So if we change the way we look at what causes your anxiety then your anxiety no longer serves any purpose and goes. Pellowah will always work with what is in your best interests - not the therapists - so you always get exactly what YOU need in every session. I hope that helps. Pellowah is quite hard to define but the results speak for themselves. Please do come back to me with any questions you have. Light blessings Christina xx

Joan Wilson4y ago

Hello! Will this help me to relieve stress and anxiety? Thanks in advance!!

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