The Power of Bad News
Ask yourself honestly, how do you feel each time you watch the news. Does good news lift up your spirits, charge you with positive energy and put a spring in your step?
If you answer yes, then consider this……
How does bad news affect you?
When we listen to bad news we adopt the energy of the story, which can lead to our true feelings and opinions being altered. In other words, we buy into the consciousness of the story. If you look closely you will find it is a terribly high price to pay.
The effect of one story is perhaps short term, but when we are bombarded by similar stories reinforcing the same negative viewpoint, then changes become perceptible in our thoughts, words and deeds.
Look at what is happening in the media at the moment. Endless articles based on fear. Each one designed to stoke a response that reaches far into our emotional body.
What began as the simple reporting of the facts gradually changed into a deeply emotional tale that at first captured people’s concern for others, but then morphed into a stronger fear that released the deepest and most basic worries about life and those we love.
Once this fear rose to the surface it began to show itself in our actions –we denied ourselves our freedoms and we separated ourselves from our communities and families as we believed that every interaction could be lethal. I’m not saying we were wrong to be cautious, but we can be cautious and considerate without there being a massive fear behind those actions.
Our natural fears reached an unnaturally high peak as they were stoked by the media and society. By now the fear has become lodged in the consciousness of so many and we all find ourselves, unthinkingly, a part of the cycle of keeping the fear here.
But the real damage lies deeper within the psyche. The old feelings of safety will have a hard time returning for so many. The new heightened state of anxiety becomes the new normality, at least until the next media scare.
This pattern is repeated time and again in a million different stories:
Every interest rate rise will lead to mass homelessness
Petrol price increases will lead to food costs rising beyond our means
There isn’t enough food for everyone
There is a shortage of Christmas presents so we must buy now
Any terrorist alert lead us to all living in fear of our neighbour
Crime statistics show that none of us is safe in our own home
As the negative impact of these stories continue to filter through into our consciousness, it raises to the surface, all of our basic instinctual fears upon which we relied as cavemen. But we are no longer prehistoric cavemen. We have reached a more enlightened state; one in which our actions and thoughts should be determined by compassion and love, not by fear.
This brings us to the most tragic aspect of all of this – the human. When we begin to believe that we human beings, should be separated from our neighbours, because of fear, then it becomes easier to manipulate us into believing that our fellow man is dangerous.
So what can we do about this? Energy healing can help us? The first step is very simple –focus on love and joy, wherever you find it.
This will help strengthen our own feelings of safety, security, in others and in the universe. Joy brings so much strength. Then we can focus on being grounded. If we have a weak base chakra it can lead to feelings of fear. A strong base will help us feel secure. When we feel internally secure then our surroundings matter less, because “home” is a place deep inside of us. A healer can help with strengthening this chakra as can walking in nature, hugging a tree.
Our sacral chakra helps us understand who we are as individuals. A strong sacral chakra helps us to know who we are, and in what we believe and trust. If we know our truth, then it is harder to be negatively influenced by others and we can remain strong in the face of adversity.
But we must not forget the heart chakra. Here we can develop our sense of respect and love for fellow man by connecting with them on a very human level.
When faced with a negative story we can also send love to those in need or suffering.
It is a challenge to remain always compassionate and loving when confronted with the negative events that occur in this world in the name of humanity. But a challenge worth accepting.
And in the meantime – why not just switch off the TV!
Yes!! Love this.