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Soul Retrieval Journey

healing session
$30 USD
$30 USD

Multidimensional Soul Retrieval - a healing method to return lost soul fragments from the past, present and future. The practitioner directs and moves energy to restore harmony within the individual due to trauma, shock, illness and abuse. It also seeks to bring harmony between the individual and other people, places and objects, through resolving all relationship ties in the physical realm and the spiritual realms, both in this life and past lives, across all timelines.

A Traditional Shaman works in a voluntary, ecstatic trance state, altering their consciousness to transverse the other dimensions of reality or to act as a receptive vehicle for spirit, with an ablity to tap into streams of consciousness, memories, information, inspiration, creativity and sound. They are said to walk between worlds, briding the gap between ordinary and non-ordinary reality.

Shamanic Healing serves to remove energies that are inappropriately present, or by returning energies that have been lost. This includes soul retrieval to assist embodiment of your whole-self by returning lost soul parts, or integrating aspect of yourself that may have left the physical body, or be hidden within the emotional body or the psyche. In this sense, shamanism is a relationship-based practice of making changes in non-ordinary reality to positively affect our every-day-lives. Integration of Energy can occur when an individual wishes to be supported by such work; where there is space held, with time and intention, for the integration and processing that an individual must do to complete the healing process.

This session is a one-to-one healing conducted from my healing studio, connecting to you energetically in dreamtime and returning lost soul parts through a shamanic journey. You will receive a verbal journey of thesoul parts returned to you and any other energy work that is taking place during the session, to the best of my abilty.

1 soul parts will be returned to you for $15. This represents excellent value for money for a face-to-face video call.

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Cornwall, UK

Andrew is a shaman and authentic channel for spirit with 30 years involvement of spirit and mediumship.

One-to-one sessions, sound journeys and energy work within and outside the body’s energy field utilsing channeled shamanic song and mantra. Restore balance on every level — physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual.

On Core Spirit since December 2021

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Simplyheavenly2y ago


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