Money Reiki Distance Healing Session

Money Reiki Distance Healing Session

healing session

Money Reiki is not about manifesting large sums of cash quickly. It’s more than that. It’s a transformative energy that is here to help make the planet a place where everyone can live lives of abundance, contributing their own unique talents and abilities, and following their life purpose.

Money Reikiworks to cure the root of the problem. You don’t need to necessarily know or understand the root problem. Or maybe you do. Bottom line is, Money Reiki works to cure the root of the problem.

More importantly: It will do it for you if you have been unwilling or too scared to do it on your own.

Money Reiki Level 1-3 Symbols:
Level 1
•$ - This symbol helps to lift your vibration around money. It also clears and purifies the negative energies around money. This symbol helps you to realize that there is enough abundance for everyone including yourself.
Level 2
•€ - This symbol can help attract work, business and opportunities from the countries that use this currency. Also, using receiving this symbol helps lift your vibration around money.
•Manifestation Symbol - This symbol can help you with manifesting things. Simply write down what you want on a piece of paper, draw the Manifestation Symbol on the paper and allow me to charge the paper (all you have to do is send a photo of the paper with the symbol on it and I’ll “charge” the paper with this symbol - again this helps with manifesting anything). Also, this symbol can be used to draw things to you (clients, money, unconditional love etc.)
•The Golden Pyramid - This symbol is used to clear deep karmic issues surrounding money and pass attunements.
Level 3
•Clearing Symbol - This symbol is used clear anything from your life (Debts, Issues, anything). The two outward facing semi-circles are used to release the energy (away) from you. Once the negative energy is released, the three lines the three lines then serve to protect, and symbolizes the mind, body, and spirit.
•Affirmation Symbol - This symbol can help you when have a affirmation that you want to come true (great for when you want to use the Law of Attraction).
For Example: “I am financially secure.”,
“I am a money magnet.”, “I create wealth easily and effortlessly.”, etc..
•Grand Master Symbol - This symbol works as a money magnet. You can magnetize objects, yourself, websites, money, anything.

Please remember this: As with the Money Reiki, no promises are being made that this energy will instantly manifest a large sum of money for you. It is to help you shift into the best possible situation for you at this time. This may or may not include financial riches as your path. Prosperity comes in many forms. For example, instead of owning your own home, you may be given an opportunity to house-sit in a home that is much more beautiful than one you might afford on your own.
!!Please read the following disclaimer!!
Energy healing systems are not a substitute for medical care. This information is not offered for the purposes of substituting, replacing, or contraindicating sound medical advice or medical care. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical illness. If you have medical concerns you are advised to contact a licensed physician.

What I will need from you before the session starts:
-Your name
-Photo of yourself and birth date (optional)
-Any notes on why the session is needed or you can request a general session.

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I am a certified Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Psychic, Energy Healer (Reiki Grand Master), and Certified Mayan Light Language Practitioner (Levels 1 and 2). I've been taught by Demian Haye at his school, "Magic Vibrations Healing". I was able to partic…

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