Intuitive life and leadership assessment

$350 USD
$350 USD

In this hour you will be given the keys areas of your life and leadership that are ready for change. I intuitively guide you so that you feel empowered to make dramatic changes that might have caused you fear and indecisiveness in the past.

A lady that I worked with who was a senior executive in HR for 25 years in now pursuing her dream career as an animal healer and communicator after our session. She is overjoyed to finally be living in her purpose.

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United Kingdom

I help senior leaders to eliminate stress by mastering their energy and emotions to achieve happiness, balance and potential. I use ancient wisdom and powerful transformation with an emotional and practical toolkit.

I also support people who have become disconnected from themselves and are looing to explore their true purpose and potential through awakening their dormant spirituality.

On Core Spirit since March 2021

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Phoebe Savir3y ago

I graduated from university and I don’t know what to do next. I don’t know who to work with. I studied in the specialty that I don’t want to work in now. What should I do? Re-enter the institute in a different direction, or can I take some courses? Can you give me some advice?

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