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Why it's time to be feminine in leadership

Mar 15, 2021
Louise Hallam
Core Spirit member since Mar 12, 2021
Reading time 4 min.

Women are starting to reclaim leadership as their rightful place as they rise to the top.

For hundreds of years women have been using masculine energies to lead as this is the expectation of most organisations. It is also part of their expectation to find the masculine energy traits in a leader. Logical thinking and assertive, which can be controlling, and a striving urgency to get things done in a hurry, without much thought for feelings or emotions.

In many Native American tribes, the role of the women has often been seen as equal or even superior to that of men. Women were often included in tribal decisions and leadership and often viewed as spiritual authorities. (1)

This was celebrated in the 2018 midterms when (1) Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids won their respective elections and became the first Native American women to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. They both went on to retain their seats in the 2020 elections. (2)

What are masculine and feminine energies?

Everyone has masculine and feminine energies, yet they tend to be used more proportionally to gender. As women have always had to strive harder to reach more senior leadership positions then a tendency to lead in a masculine energy to be able to get ahead is inevitable, but can be difficult and exhausting to maintain.

What does this mean for women leaders?

Being able to use more feminine energy whilst leading has the advantage of creating a more nurturing and receptive environment basing decisions on intuition and unity, which tends to be able to build more trust and loyalty. It requires working from the heart, rather than the head as humans have been conditioned to do.

Everyone needs a balance of both in different situations and it’s about being able to identify what works best in each given circumstance.

The world is literally changing

As the universe entered the Age of Aquarius (3) on December 21at 2020 many leaders will have felt they lost their sense of direction, not knowing which way to turn and feeling disconnected from themselves.

This evolution was a call to return to a more human way of living, to identify with the authentic self and soul purpose. To focus on our inner wealth, to find love, joy and wisdom rather than focusing on the external and material possessions.

Feeling this shift meant the pull for many to lead differently, but not yet seeing the way forward clearly. Feeling paused, in reflection and slowed down to take stock and plan the next steps.

Faced with not knowing who they are and recognising that they have lost or changed their identity as a leader can be stressful and overwhelming. Yet, what could be more liberating than taking the opportunity to rediscover what brings happiness or sadness, what’s important and questioning whether what they are doing is their true purpose?

What does this mean for women in leadership?

Leaders are being asked to see themselves, take their place, see differently and create a new vision for a business world that has begun to feel wrong and out of place. Leaders will now need to understand how people thrive, not just for mental health, but for true potential.

To see the true essence of themselves, to connect to themselves and others and see the potential of each individual. They are being asked to spend time building community, trust and loyalty, connect to love and compassion and build a flow, which creates unity.

The rules of the game have changed and leaders now have the ability to break down the barriers of government, education, business and economy. Who expects things to be the same anyway? Lead how you were born to lead and others will follow.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/04/native-american-women-elected-congress-record-number (1) https://www.representwomen.org/the_history_of_indigenous_women_s_leadership_1 (2)


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