April what is a heart wall?
I believe a Heart-Wall is an energetic wall around the heart made up of layers of negative trapped emotions. It may keep you from love, it may keep you triggered, it may keep you from hearing what people are truly telling you: it basically can potentially keep you from receiving information accurately. It is estimated that 93% of the population has a Heart-Wall. The average Heart-Wall takes 3 sessions to remove. People often sense that they have emotional issues, but don’t know how to get past them. The feelings that seem to be in their way are often due to their trapped emotions. They are usually amazed to find out that their emotional baggage often consists of specific energies that became trapped during emotional events they experienced in their past. They are even more amazed to see how easily these energies can be found and removed and by how different they feel when they are freed from them.
These sessions are done via email to completion.
#heartwall #emotioncode #energyhealing
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Hello Stormi, I am sorry to say that I was just today notified of any messages here! To answer your question, a heart wall session is the Emotion Code method of release. In general, yes I combine methods depending on what a person wants to work on.
Please let me know if I can answer anything else for you.
Hello, thank you for reaching out. A heart wall session is Emotion Code. For other sessions we combine the tools that best work for the person and for what they are specifically wanting support for at the time.
Hi there! I was just wondering what methods would be used during a session? Is it coaching or reiki? Or both?:)