Five Force Healing Modality of the Grail Tradition Package - 5 sessions

Five Force Healing Modality of the Grail Tradition Package - 5 sessions

healing session

Five Force Healing Modality of the Grail Tradition Package: Healing with Christ Being Divine Sophia Metatron Melchizedek Archangel Michael - 5 sessions included

These frequencies focus on making a connection to five healing forces in the Grail Tradition: the Christ Being, the Divine Sophia, Metatron, Melchizedek, and Archangel Michael in order to deepen our capacities for self-healing and healing for others. This is a call out to those on the healers path as well as anyone interested in deepening their spiritual practice and impact in the world.

During the frequency sessions you will be receiving the connection from the Christ Being, the Divine Sophia, Metatron, Melchizedek and Archangel Michael.

A description of each of the five frequencies is below:

  1. Five Force Frequency #1-the Metatron Healing Frequencies. This is a healing frequency that is based with Metatron as the leading force. This healing frequency in particular helps to spiritualize physical matter with Divine Light.

  2. Five Force Frequency #2-the Melchizedek Healing Frequencies. This healing frequency focuses on Melchizedek as the lead. The Melchizedek Healing Frequencies can be used to transform events, people, and places from low vibrations to higher vibrations. This session also brings in a 33-sided Vogel crystal frequency.

  3. Five Force Frequency #3-the Archangel Michael Healing Frequencies. Here we are taken under the wing of Archangel Michael to help channel this Being's Light, Love, and Wisdom. Use this for all healing situations and in particular to clear entities from a person, place, or objects energy field.

  4. Five Force Frequency #4-the Divine Sophia/Isis Frequencies. The Divine Sophia/Isis session connects you to the Divine Sophia/Isis Healing Frequency. This is a very nurturing and healing type of energy coming directly from the Spiritual Being of the Earth. Healing for the etheric body and to restore and balance the five elements in the person’s energy body. These five elements are the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space.

  5. Five Force Frequency #5-the Solar Logos, Divine Sophia, Metatron, Melchizedek & Archangel Michael Grail Merkabah frequencies. These healing frequencies combine all five forces of the Grail tradition in a specific geometry around your energy field. This healing frequency will enforce your fields with the Grail.

Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a healing facilitator, via long distance.

  • 5 sessions included
    Please note that the location does not matter as it is a distant energy session.
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I am here in service of the light as a lightworker and DNA activator. I offer many types of high frequency healing sessions as well as practitioner training courses. I also sing unique light language.

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