Zenith Omega™ Pleiadian Healing Package level 1 (all clearings of level 1)

Zenith Omega™ Pleiadian Healing Package level 1 (all clearings of level 1)

healing session

Zenith Omega™ works with Light Language, The Pleiadians, Color Frequencies, Sacred Geometry and Sound, and Sacred Guides to dissolve blocks in the our etheric meridians and matrix system, allowing the reintegration of source energy back into our physical DNA. This allows more light to enter into our energy field. As acupuncture works on the physical meridians, Zenith Omega works on all meridians where everything starts, and is effective in reorganizing latent DNA, creating openings that support us in our path to wholeness.

As the color energy patterns resonate through the body’s energy pathways, it flows into the surrounding cellular structure and permeates all the way to the very DNA, and begins to release energy blocks at the genetic level.

Because Zenith Omega™ is designed to clear ALL blockages, this color energy infiltrates into all of the energy fields that surround the body, where the energy begins to release issues and stagnant patterns-blockages-that have been stored, programmed, or encoded there. With the cleared fields of energy, the mind begins to see through illusionary issues and stagnant patterns, and can now make choices from a more realistic aspect, rather than through false illusions, fear, anger, ego, greed and guilt, one or more of those debilitating and crippling dis-eases.

Once Zenith Omega has cleansed your field, the pure energy flowing from source, again moves through you as intended. The brain and heart centers reconnect. Your mind becomes alive with the truth of who you are. Your life becomes centered. You become aware of a sense of wholeness and effectiveness; your purpose becomes clear as you move forward along the path of your choice.


– An increased feeling and sense of well-being
– Clarity of ideas and purpose
– More self-confidence and personal power
– Greater insight into yourself and others
– Physical healing
– Expansive abilities
– Restoration of joy and laughter in life
– Better communication and understanding in relationships
– Feeling balanced and centered in a forever deepening experience of love.

I facilitate 6 healings in one session out of many Zenith Omega™ healing/clearings.

Level 1 is the Foundation of all other Zenith Omega clearing & healing volumes.


  1. Love
  2. Clearing Field of Fear
  3. Integration for: Subliminal Program Clearing & Shielding
  4. Clearing for Forgiveness
  5. Openness
  6. Clearing for Anger & Guilt
  7. Clearing for Hearing & Retention
  8. Change Rapid ~ Lasting ~ Beneficial ~ clearing blockages
  9. Integration for Restoration of Self-Worth
  10. Field Protection
  11. Clearing for Acceptance
  12. Integration for Truth
  13. Integration of Purification
  14. Integration & Bonding of Body Mind Spirit Will & Soul
  15. The Path
  16. Violet Cloaking
  17. ASD Points (Astral System Dysfunction clearing)
  18. Opening the Seeing Eye (3rd eye)
  19. Restoration of the Divine Plan
  20. Integration for the Transition
  21. The Awakening
  22. Integration to Release the Flow of Creativity (Isis Flow)
  23. Integration for Creator’s Will
  24. Integration with One’s Divine Deity Center
  25. Surrender of Ego
  26. Power Integration
  27. Doubt
  28. Clearing for Accountability
  29. Responsibility
  30. Self Esteem
  31. Respect of Self
  32. Self Reliance
  33. Clarity of Thought
  34. Patience
  35. Trust
  36. Honesty
  37. JOY
  38. Happiness
  39. Understanding
  40. Kindness
  41. The Celebration of Life
  42. Masters Trauma Shield
  43. Independence and Freedom
  44. Clearing for Color
  45. Throat Chakra Crystal
  46. Third Eye Crystal
  47. Heart Chakra Crystal
  48. Return to The Path

Please note that the location does not matter as it is a distant energy session.

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I am here in service of the light as a lightworker and DNA activator. I offer many types of high frequency healing sessions as well as practitioner training courses. I also sing unique light language.

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