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Spiritual Healing for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Oct 19, 2022
Bethany Thomas
Core Spirit member since Feb 19, 2021
Reading time 4 min.

When a child is developing, they need their parents' acceptance the most. But what happens when they don’t receive this acceptance?


A pathological personality trait that includes egomania animosity, the implicit or explicit belief that everyone owes you something, self-centeredness, self-assurance in one's own superiority, condescending behavior toward others, the desire to draw attention, excessive attempts to draw attention, and the desire for admiration.

According to the mainstream psychiatric viewpoint, narcissism is a collection of coping strategies that narcissists learned as children to shield their egos from shame.

This idea contends that before the age of three, the child experienced abuse, neglect, and/or was not seen by the parents and was instead only regarded as an extension of the parent's egos.

The child's true self was destroyed by these abuses.

In order to cope, the child created a fake identity in which they were superior to other people.
This fictitious persona is grandiose, unique, entitled, consumed with delusions of success, power, brilliance, beauty, or perfect love needs excessive attention and is haughty, arrogant, and jealous of others. It is also exploitative and lacking in empathy.

What’s going on in their minds?

Narcissists are the center of their own universes.

They serve as the hub around which all else revolves. They are more unique, more entitled, more opulent, more gorgeous, and more deserving than others. Whether or not they possess and own everything, they ought to possess it all. The narcissist is vehemently jealous if anyone else possesses anything because that thing should also be theirs. The only one who matters is them. Others are here for the narcissist's use, enjoyment, and service.

Every desirable object in the narcissist's universe must belong to the narcissist, therefore if others have something the narcissist covets—whether it be a material or spiritual good—the narcissist must get it out of them, and if the thing cannot be acquired out of them, it must be destroyed.
The narcissist cannot have others own his property, thus once any "other" has been mined of its treasures and is no longer useful to him, it must be destroyed.

The "other" needs to be so completely ruined that either no one else wants it or it dies and is discarded.

Because he lacks empathy, the narcissist has no feelings regarding the anguish others endure while being destroyed.

At some point in their life, narcissists can realize:

"It appears that I, as a living person, do not live. I project some sort of false mask onto the world, and since this requires a lot of energy from me while I'm still living, it turns me into a zombie—a dead guy laying in a coffin who is half-dead, half-alive, or in some other state of suspended animation. Then, how can I be myself?”

There is occasionally a temptation to follow a misguided path or exhibit fake humility.

“If I had previously viewed myself as grandiose, I will now be a plain, simple person, and I'll go dig potatoes somewhere in the hamlet.”

And in this situation, it's crucial to avoid engaging in a conflict with oneself and to avoid trying to reinvent someone who is entirely unlike yourself.

Because a pathological narcissist can become a healthy narcissist in the Church, in the spiritual life, or in the therapy of psychological work on oneself, but he cannot change into anyone else at all.

But can narcissism be cured?

Narcissism can undoubtedly be changed or healed in a person.

Such people can benefit in such circumstances from anger management counseling, meditation, and the ability to control one's emotional reactions.

Spirituality and Narcissism: how are they connected?

Similar to religion, spirituality appears to be a secure area to invest in one's self-worth.
Spiritual achievements leave a lot of leeway for wishful thinking, making them vulnerable to self-enhancement desire.

That makes spiritual subjects a perfect domain for erroneous illusions about one's superiority because they are typically elusive to external objective standards.

One way that people could use spirituality is as a confidence builder.
It enables people to recognize their uniqueness.
Additionally, they can make pretty easy advancements in the spiritual realm.
This is due to the lack of objectively measurable results (in contrast to, for example, sports, academic success, or wealth accumulation).

Spiritual training, though, might draw persons who already feel superior.
Additionally, narcissists "may find particular attraction" in spiritual training's "deep study of one's personal beliefs and feelings."

Spiritual healing for a narcissistic personality disorder

  • Meditation

In its many forms, mindfulness meditation can help in overcoming the detrimental psychological effects of a relationship with a narcissist, being aware of our own narcissistic tendencies, and improving self-awareness and self-management.

  • Mindfulness

Can help with Challenging self-stories, Cultivating healthy confidence, Developing sympathetic joy to overcome envy and “I’m better than” thinking or acting, Enhancing self-awareness

Energy is what should be used in communication. Without saying a word, an energy healer is able to look inside a person's energy and restore balance. Without endangering the narcissist's view. Rebalancing the energy, raising the frequency, and spreading love are all necessary. When energy is healed and rebalanced, consciousness will spontaneously deepen (the true thing, not romantic love but global love/consciousness)

So, it is undoubtedly something that a person can change or heal.

The likelihood of that occurring will vary depending on each individual and their unique situation.

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