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Tammy Waldron
Personal Alchemy - The Powerful Journey of Self-Discovery to Self-Actualization
“The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet,” Richard Rudd - The Gene Keys. Embarking on a journey of self-discovery is a profound and transformative experience. It is a voyage of exploration, introspection, and growth that ultimately lead…
By registered users: 7
Kaylee Dobie
Infusing Spirituality into Brand: The Rise of the Spiritual Entrepreneur
“If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.” Jack Canfield I am fortunate to have spent the past decade of my career in the branding sp…
By registered users: 10
Demi Powell
Spiritual Alchemy for Beginners: All You Need to Know about Alchemy in 2022
There are two kinds of Alchemy – Esoteric Alchemy and Exoteric Alchemy. In this article, we are going to talk about the Esoteric, or Spiritual, Alchemy. The primary goal of spiritual alchemy is to cleanse the body and bring the soul back to the unity wit…
By registered users: 31
Javier Bush
The strange number 0.577 keeps showing up in everything
If you had to pick the most famous number in the world, you would probably go for pi, right? But why? Despite being crucial to our understanding of circles, it’s not a particularly easy number to work with, because it’s literally impossible to know its ex…
By registered users: 7
Jonathan Bates
This Scientist Dedicated His Life to Unlocking the Secrets of Alchemy
An alchemical recipe, kept secret for 400 years, hangs on a wall in the history department at Johns Hopkins University. The message is hidden in a picture of a large and muscular dragon. On a hill behind the creature, three animals tussle in mortal battle…
By registered users: 16
Jonathan Bates
Chinese Alchemy : The Secret of Golden Flower
The ancient science of alchemy still influences the contemporary spiritual theories, and stays shaping the spiritual philosophies of our time. The whirlpool of its magic at one point became madness for the alchemists who tried to decipher its secret lang…
By registered users: 72
Jonathan Bates
A pupil asked: There are some practitioners who feel by themselves like qi moves in a circle through the Ren and Du Meridians, and therefore declare that the themselves have opened these channels. This method of opening Ren and Du channels using thoughts …
By registered users: 10
Merle Copeland
How Alchemy, the Forbidden Science, Changed World History
lchemy is generally seen as an archaic proto-science based on superstition that is of little interest to the modern chemist. In truth, chemistry owes much to alchemy, which covers philosophical traditions and chemical history spanning several millennia in…
By registered users: 65
Lela Valdez
Emotional Alchemy: 4 Ways of Harness Personal Power from Negative Emotions
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~ Wayne Dyer Emotional alchemy is the ultimate psychological leveling mechanism. It’s a way of turning the tables on feelings that have the potential to overwhelm us; to flip th…
By registered users: 198
Anita Kelley
Management of Phakka Roga in Ayurveda
Kashyap samhita is one of the important ancient documents of kaumarbhritya. Kaumarbhritya is one among the eight branch of ayurveda. Kaumarbhritya consist from birth of baby up to he becomes capable of independent existence. During this phase physical and…
By registered users: 10
Sammy Mcdonald
Rediscovering the Alchemy of Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton, the English physicist and mathematician revered as the father of modern science, devoted a great deal of time to the study of alchemy. All told, he wrote more than 1 million words on chemistry’s medieval forerunner, which largely concerned i…
By registered users: 14
Merle Copeland
The Surreal Art of Alchemical Diagrams
Derived from the Arabic root “kimia”, from the Coptic “khem” (referring to the fertile black soil of the Nile delta), the word “alchemy” alludes to the dark mystery of the primordial or First Matter (the Khem). The discovery of this elusive original matte…
By registered users: 21
Rhonda Warner
Modern alchemy leaches gold from water
A small French start-up company is selling a technology with a hint of alchemy: turning water into gold. It does so by extracting from industrial waste water the last traces of any rare—and increasingly valuable—metal. “We leave only a microgramme per l…
By registered users: 55
Rhonda Warner
21st Century Alchemy: Learning from the Japanese art of ‘why?’
In 1867, the future inventor, industrialist and founder of the Toyota empire, Toyoda Sakichi, was born in a poor village in central Honshu, the oldest of three brothers. When he wasn’t working in his father’s carpentry business, young Sakichi spent his f…
By registered users: 13
Rhonda Warner
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Initiations
Initiation is just one of these things either discussed in silent, mysterious tones or off-handedly in a way which indicates that absolutely, positively everybody is aware of what initiation is and if you do not understand, you must be…well, not one of th…
By registered users: 12
Sandra Rodriquez
Ancient Alchemist: Nicolas Flamel
Nicolas Flamel 1330 - Paris, March 22, 1418 - was a successful French scrivener and manuscript-seller who developed a posthumous reputation as an alchemist due to his reputed work on the Philosopher’s Stone. According to the introduction to his work and …
By registered users: 58
Merle Copeland
The Alchemy and Artistry of Fayum Portrets
Her rapt, black eyes gaze out, as though she is waiting for one to ask her a question. Her necklace –a braid twirled and tucked in the crown of her head–hints in a noble position, as does her purple tunic, dangling earrings, and pile of necklaces dappled …
By registered users: 16
Sonja Harrison
The Alchemy of Possibility - The Science of Divination
The Alchemy Oracle, like the I Ching and the Tarot, offers the opportunity to consult an oracle, but what does that actually mean - consult an oracle? Carolyn Mary Kleefeld writes, “I think of The Alchemy of Possibility as a way of looking at the elements…
By registered users: 15