Unnatural Implants, Tags & Entities Removal

Unnatural Implants, Tags & Entities Removal

healing session
$50 USD
$50 USD

This session is for those who have had their Jseals removed and seeking some extra clearing. This is also a maintenance session that clients ca do when they feel they need.

These sessions are very important right now and very important for the DNA activation process. I remove unnatural implants, tags and entities. These affect the ability to communicate with your Higher self and block the natural activation of the 4th DNA strand and thus hindering a person to evolve towards frequencies of love and higher dimensions.

Some examples of what is removed:

Archon genetic engineered entities or Suppressor Parasites (SPE's), Chest/Heart harness, Indigo or Starseed coding negative implants, Dodecahedron mind control harness, Orion Solar Cross, Fleur de lis artifacts, Distorted DNA seed code artifacts, illuminati and reptile implants, vampire and predator implants, artificial holographic inserts, Distorted Arc Codes, Vesica Pisces implant, Nephilim Reversal Grid implants, Predator Mind control implants, template implants, Reversal polarity, Gender splitting, Genetic experiments, etc...and 100's more removed if needed.

This session does not include Jseals removal.

For the session, you can be in a relaxed, receptive state with no distractions. The session will last about 45 minutes depending on how much resistance is encountered. At the end of the session, you should feel somewhat different.

After the session, please drink lots of water and listen to what your body is asking for as far as nutrients is concerned.

Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you for 45 minutes.
Please note that the location does not matter as it is a distant energy session.

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United Kingdom

I am here in service of the light as a lightworker and DNA activator. I offer many types of high frequency healing sessions as well as practitioner training courses. I enjoy making shamanic products such as mestanas, altar cloths, bags, zipper pouches, ties and archetype painted stones at an affordable cost. My sprays, oils and candles were gifted to me to offer ascension support.

On Core Spirit since August 2021

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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
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Sep 19, 2024, 08:00
United Kingdom
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