Tarot/Oracle Card Reading

healing session
$126 USD
$126 USD

Explore possibilities, gain clarity, and empower your decisions with my honest and compassionate approach.

Target audience

This service is for people who are looking for some direction and guidance along their current path. Having some clarity about your current situation can help bring about the change you desire and give you the tools to make different decisions about your life.


Insightful Guidance: Gain insights into various aspects of your life, including love, career, finance, and health, through my General Card Reading.

Lunar Influence: Tap into the energy of the current lunar phase with my Mini Moon Reading, providing unique perspectives and guidance.

Empowerment: Make informed decisions and take control of your life with the clarity and guidance offered by my readings.

Free Will: Recognize that your decisions have the power to shape your future, allowing for flexibility and empowerment in interpreting the readings.

Honesty and Compassion: Experience honest readings delivered with compassion, ensuring that you receive the messages you need to hear, even if they're not always what you want to hear.


Choose between two readings; General Card Reading (inquiries into love, career, finance or health) and Mini Moon Reading (based on the current lunar phase).

Card readings provide possibilities based on current energy. We all have free will so any decision you make can change the message of the reading in the future energy.

I am an honest reader. I ask for messages based on what you need to hear which is not always what you want to hear. I try to deliver the message as gently as possible and even infuse a bit of humor into it. But I take it very seriously and ask that you do the same.

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9635 121 St, Surrey, BC V3V 7L8, Canada

Hi! I'm Ramona. My Spiritual abilities were officially revealed in December of 2019. Since then I have focused on my own healing and improving my abilities in order to help others. I've taken several classes for development and have started to build a strong client base. I am a tarot card and akashic records reader, a reiki practitioner, and a medium. All of my services are available virtually.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

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