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Ramona Oliver

Hi! I'm Ramona. My Spiritual abilities were officially revealed in December of 2019. Since then I have focused on my own healing and improving my abilities in order to help others. I've taken several classes for development and have started to build a str…
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Expert in the fields:Tarot Reading/Reiki/Mediumism/Philosophy/Spiritual Healing
5 years of practice
On Core Spirit since May 2021
9635 121 St, Surrey, BC V3V 7L8, Canada
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Ramona Oliver2mo ago



Unlock and unblock the energy fields in and around your body to promote overall wellness. continue

Ramona Oliver2mo ago


Hello from Heaven

Receive messages from loved ones on the other side. They may not be what you WANT to hear but they will always be what you NEED to hear. continue

Ramona Oliver2mo ago


Tarot/Oracle Card Reading

Explore possibilities, gain clarity, and empower your decisions with my honest and compassionate approach.

Target audience

This service is for people who are looking for some direction and guidance along their current path. Having some clarity about y… continue

Spiritual Healing
Ramona Oliver
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Ask Your Akashics
Spiritual Healing
Ramona Oliver
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Ramona Oliver
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Hello from Heaven
Ramona Oliver3y ago

New session Reiki already available! Book it now

Ramona Oliver3y ago

New session Hello from Heaven already available! Book it now

Ramona Oliver3y ago

New session Mystic Medicine already available! Book it now

Spiritual Healing
Ramona Oliver
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
Ramona Oliver3y ago

New session Ask Your Akashics already available! Book it now