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therapy session
$400 USD
$400 USD

Online hypnosis + EFT + NLP to break that addiction. Most time zones, using Zoom. High success rate.

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Provided By
Cairns QLD, Australia

My years of experience have led me to compassion and caring which I carry through into every session. I help people see their own potential and work on strategies for living. Always investigating ways forward to release the emotional pain of the past and alleviate the symptoms in the present. I love what I do; I do it conscientiously and well. I am your ONLINE guide to success in your life.

On Core Spirit since April 2021

Practitioner Reviews

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Jane Nash3y ago

yes absolutely

Jane Nash3y ago

one session - no extra devices

Jane Nash3y ago


Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Jane Nash
Jul 30, 2024, 01:00
Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Jane Nash
Jul 30, 2024, 01:00
Personality Psychology
Jane Nash
Jul 30, 2024, 01:00
Jane Nash3y ago

if you're ready - you can do it in one session

Jane Nash3y ago

this would as long as she wants to give up

Jane Nash3y ago

This would be perfect but she’s needs to want to give up.

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Jane Nash
Jul 30, 2024, 01:00
Jane Nash
Jul 30, 2024, 01:00
Jane Nash3y ago

For me, around 88%. Everyone stops with me..some do go back as they didnt really want to give up

Jane Nash3y ago

It can be done by the end of the session.

Jane Nash3y ago

You do not need any other devices to quit. Just your mind

Martha Montgomery3y ago

Hi there. My sister has been smoking for 11 years. Would this course be suitable for her?

Taysha Duckworth3y ago

How much does the success depend on the person’s mindset? My father has been smoking for more than 30 years, and he doesn’t seem to want to quit. He says he wants to but I can tell he doesn’t. Would hypnosis work in his case?

Christopher Lund3y ago

Hello! I wonder what the success rate exactly is.

John Persey3y ago

How long does it take to stop smoking completely?

Irina Lazutina3y ago

Is it possible to do just your course to quit smoking, or do you still need to use various anti-nicotine patches and pills? And how quickly can I quit smoking? Thank you in advance

Jane Nash3y ago

It is completely safe. Hypnosis is a natural state of focus and absorption of mind. It cannot hurt you nor can it make you do anything you don’t want to do. It can’t make you tell your secrets or say anything you don’t want to. It is simply a gentle kind of concentration. It feels different for everyone and is completely safe. If you would like to experience hypnosis just to see how it feels I would be happy for you to book in for a HYPNO-TOURIST SESSION online with me for $200 at a time convenient to you.

Sherry Turnbull3y ago

Hello. Could you please tell me, if hypnosis can damage my brain? Thanks.

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