Alchemy Life Source Therapy is a healing of the connection between you and Source.
You are always connected, it is just sometimes you are out of alignment with Source and that is when things don't feel right.
It’s not possible for your desire to be wrong. It’s possible for you to not have enough confidence in your desire and that can cause you to wobble.
It’s not your job to make the desire happen. That’s the job of The Law of Attraction.
It’s your job to be true to your vibration and The Law of Attraction will make that happen.
When there are other factors at play that prevent you from vibrating in alignment with your desires, then your desires can’t come from The Law of Attraction.
When there is a context that distracts you from vibrating in alignment with your desires, then your desires can’t come from The Law of Attraction.
If your Here & Now vibration is affected by the wobbles of your circumstances then you will attract wobbles.
It can become a habit to respond to the circumstances and environment around you.
You need to take time out of that environment, reconnect with Source and vibrate beyond the circumstances.
This can most effectively be done with one single 15 minute a day meditation. That’s all. Fifteen minutes of full 100% focus.
Don’t do more, that’s when distracting, doubting conversation can creep back in. That’s when contradictory vibration can return. Contradictory resistance.
Fifteen minutes of clarity.
We will talk about your Source, your Desires, your Clarity.
We will turn it into a 15 minute Source Meditation that you can harness for ANYthing, Now and in future Nows...
Set your core intention and align with it.
The Path of Least Resistance is not the only path.
It’s just literally…the path of…least resistance!
It’s just that it’s easier than all the other paths so why not take it?
It’s also a Good Feeling Path. It feels good along the way NOW!
If it doesn’t feel good along the way, it’s not The Path of Least Resistance.
It needs to feel good, NOW!
When else does it need to feel good? NEVER!
Because there is only Now and that’s when it needs to feel good. Not then, or then, or tomorrow or next year. Now.
Now is when it needs to feel good because Now is all there is.
If you feel good Now, you are likely to take that good feeling into whatever comes next.
You can take this good feeling into the next Now and the one after that.
So why not?
May as well feel good Now!
This is Source Therapy ❤️
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I am a Clinical Psychotherapist, Medical Hypnotherapist and Alchemy Life Coach
I offer an integrative programme of
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